Prosuming Public Space: the UNPark project.The role of urban infrastructures in the regeneration of unsolved spaces - Politecnica University Press | The Plan
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Prosuming Public Space: the UNPark project.The role of urban infrastructures in the regeneration of unsolved spaces
Prosuming Public Space: the UNPark project.The role of urban infrastructures in the regeneration of unsolved spaces
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Prosuming Public Space: the UNPark project illustrates the experience of the Urban Nudging Park research project, funded by the social responsibility program of the Politecnico di Milano through the competitive call Polisocial Award 2019.

The book returns the complexity that characterized UNPark: a research by design project, in the wake of tactical urbanism, on the theme of the role that urban infrastructures could have in the regenerative processes of the in-between spaces.

Indeed, UNPark has been a transdisciplinarity effort which took shape through a temporary urban tactical intervention and a study about the possibility of transforming the current parking under the Serra - Monte Ceneri Overpass, in Milan, into a multifunctional space equipped for social activities, including street sports.

Prosuming Public Space: the UNPark project is a monographic book, with thematic chapters by the members of the work team, that proposes, in addition to recalling the research work phases, reflections on the city during the pandemic, on the co-design, on the multifunctional regeneration of the urban infrastructures, and about the needed transdisciplinarity in any urban design intervention.


Foreword by Massimo Bricocoli
Part 1 – UNPark
Paolo Carli
I. The Urban Nudging Park
II. The Serra - Monte Ceneri Overpass and its surrounding

PART 2 - The UNPark’s transdisciplinary approach to field research
Paolo Carli (Editor)
III. Post-pandemic trajectories of work in the city and public spaces
Paolo Carli and Agnese Rebaglio
IV. Between urban regeneration and social reactivation: design approaches for a city in transformation
V. The role of infrastructures for a new urban scenario
Patrizia Scrugli and Giulia Procaccini
VI. Designing the Process: the experimental methodological approach of UNPark
Agnese Rebaglio
VII. Mapping opportunities and criticalities, open geo data as tools to support analysis, public engagement and design
Matteo Clementi and Francesco Bruschi
VIII. UNPark/Freestyle: an Experimental “Open Square” design
Carol Monticelli and Patrizia Scrugli
IX. Implementing urban infrastructures through Themed design responses and Time-based design scenarios.
Giulia Procaccini and Carol Monticelli
X. UNPark: a trans-disciplinary, multi-dimensional and multi-actor project
Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete and Luigi De Nardo

Part 3 - The Lesson Learned
Paolo Carli
XI. Prosuming Public Space

Special Thanks
Figures References

Titolo: Prosuming Public Space: the UNPark project.The role of urban infrastructures in the regeneration of unsolved spaces

Autore/Autori: Paolo Carli , Francesco Bruschi, Matteo Clementi, Davide Crippa, Luigi De Nardo, Barbara Di Prete, Carol Monticelli, Giulia Procaccini, Agnese Rebaglio, Patrizia Scrugli

Editore: Maggioli Spa

Anno di pubblicazione: 02/2023

Numero di pagine: 314

Collana: Politecnica

Serie: E-book Open Access

Tematica: Tecnologia

Lingua: Inglese

Codice ISBN: 8891655820

Codice EAN: 9788891655820


Paolo Carli

Is an architect and PhD. He was the Scientific Director of the research project UNPark – Urban Nudging Park, winner of the Polisocial Award 2019; and Researcher at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Politecnico di Milano. His research activities are related to environmental design, both on urban and building scale, with focuses on the processes of social inclusion and urban ecological transition.

Francesco Bruschi

electronic engineer and PhD in information engineering, teaches information processing systems at the Politecnico di Milano, where he is also director of the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Observatory. His research activities focus on blockchain, distributed systems, digital identity models.

Matteo Clementi

architect, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Politecnico di Milano, where he studies support tools for the development of scenarios of local self-sufficiency in minor municipal areas and sustainable urban metabolism.

Davide Crippa

architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the Department of Architecture and Arts at the IUAV in Venice. He is currently investigating the potential of interaction design and digital fabrication from a sustainability and circular economy perspective.

Luigi De Nardo

is a Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta” of the Politecnico di Milano. His research is devoted to functional and smart materials for industrial applications, the development of materials and surface modifications for packaging and medical devices, and the materials selection for the industrial design sector.

Barbara Di Prete

architect and PhD, is a Associate Professor at the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano and coordinator of the master in Design for Public Space. She pursues the dissolution of disciplinary boundaries and investigates the relational aspects of projects, in the perspective of increasingly narrative environments.

Carol Monticelli

architect, PhD, is Associate Professor of Technology of Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Engineering Construction, Textiles Architecture Network group. Her interest is focused on technological innovation of new ultra-lightweight materials and on environmental impacts of building systems. Author of more than 120 publications, co-inventor of an European patent.

Giulia Procaccini

architect, is PhD candidate in Technology of Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Engineering Construction (DABC). Affiliated to the research group Textiles Architecture Network (TAN), she is currently investigating the potentialities of architectural textiles for façade retrofit applications. Her interest is focused on performative building systems.

Agnese Rebaglio

designer and PhD, Associate Professor at the Design Dept. of Politecnico di Milano. She develops design research on innovative “hospitable” places, with a particular focus on the urban contexts and on the settings of experimental spaces and services for sustainable cities. She’s scientific director of the Specializing Master “Design for Public Spaces” provided by

Patrizia Scrugli

architect, is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Politecnico di Milano. She carries out professional activity and research in the field of architectural design applied to urban regeneration, with a particular focus on the social dimension, in a multi-scalar approach.

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