In this book we will analyse the meaning of the word temporary in relation to the change between space and time, time and use, use and memory. Specifically, we will look at the value of the temporary nature of design as applied to the world, the city and its inhabitants, the temporary urban solutions (Fassi, 2012), and finally the key place designed to host people’s life: the home.
Although it can be said that today the meaning of the term “living” is broader and indicates more than a place to sleep, and therefore to the small domestic space of a house. This is shown by the fact that today we live at work, we live on the go, we live in the movement, but, the house still plays a central role (Galluzzo, 2018).
We will then draw up a categorization of the different types of temporary housing. Examples that in the world of design are multiple and, especially in recent years, have increased exponentially.
Temporary design has become an excellent instrument to occupy peripheral, degraded and underutilized areas of the city, to give them a new personality and new value, and to then find a more permanent form of use for them. In this sense, the temporary city is one that takes its least used areas and aspects and transforms them to accommodate new uses, new identities and new inhabitants.
Preface by Davide Fassi
1.1 Temporary cities and temporary users
1.2 Temporary places
2.1 Temporary Urban Solutions (TUS)
2.2 Private and Common Spaces in the Pandemic Era
2.3 Future Scenarios of Domestic and Public Spaces
3.1 Con-temporary Houses
3.2 Classification of Temporary Housing Solutions
Spontaneous Shelters / Wearable Houses / Emergency Houses / Workers’ Houses / Students’ Houses / Temporary Hotels / Holiday Houses / Living the Travel / Living the Event / Urban Camping / Capsules / Mobile Homes / Parasite Architecture / Technologies for Sustainable Houses / Houses for Extreme Conditions
3.3 Maps of Temporary Housing Solutions Valentina Facoetti
4.1 Temporary Housing Soluions and the City
4.2 How Big is a House? The Dimension of Contemporary Dwelling Space Riccardo Ronzani
4.3 Materials and Technologies for Temporary Housing Solutions Simone Cimino
4.4 Services behind Temporary Housing Solutions Gabriele Leonardi
4.5 Temporary Housing Solutions in Extra-urban Contexts Ambra Borin
Bibliography and References
Titolo: CON-TEMPORARY LIVING Unexpected Housing Solutions in Public Spaces
Autore/Autori: Laura Galluzzo
Editore: Maggioli Spa
Anno di pubblicazione: 12/2022
Numero di pagine: 322
Collana: Politecnica
Serie: E-book Open Access
Tematica: Design
Lingua: Inglese
Codice ISBN: 8891655882
Codice EAN: 9788891655882
Laura Galluzzo
PhD in Design, Assistant Professor in Spatial and Service Design at Design Department, Politecnico di Milano. She is operational manager of POLIMI DESIS Lab within the international DESIS Network (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability). She works on community-centred design research projects, with a particular focus on participative projects of spaces and services. The focus of her research is on how spaces can be incubators of social practices. She has been visiting professor in several international schools of design. She is now lecturing at the School of Design at Politecnico di Milano and teaching Service Design at Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. Her PhD research was about “temporary living”, especially in the contest of Mega Events. She designed the interiors and services for the Expo Village for Expo Milan 2015.