Perspective EU 2023 shines a spotlight on sustainability, digitization, and artificial intelligence
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Perspective EU 2023 shines a spotlight on sustainability, digitization, and artificial intelligence

The opening conference of this international forum organized by THE PLAN is scheduled for 6:00 p.m., May 14, at Venice’s Hotel Excelsior

Perspective EU 2023 shines a spotlight on sustainability, digitization, and artificial intelligence
By Redazione The Plan -

There are just a few days to go to Perspective Europe, the International Architecture and Interior Design Forum organized by THE PLAN, scheduled for May 14–16 at its regular venue, the Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido Resort, Venice. The event will begin with an opening plenary session, scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 14, entitled ESG Guidelines, Digital Transition and Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Design and Real Estate Investments.

The event will see contributions from leading industry figures, including Cristiano Boscato, one of Italy’s foremost authorities on collaboration and digital transformation, and founder & CEO of Injenia (a key Google Cloud premier partners in Europe); Anna Maria Pacini, ESG expert and head of ESG at DeA Capital Real Estate Sgr (Italy’s leading independent alternative asset management platform); and Stefano Corbella, who specializes in carbon emission analysis of real estate portfolios and is chief sustainability officer with COIMA (a leading real estate investment, development, and management firm that serves institutional investors). The conference moderator will be Nicola Leonardi, managing editor and co-founder of THE PLAN.

Register - Online event

Language: Italian with simultaneous translation in English


ESG Guidelines, Digital Transition and Artificial Intelligence

Environmental sustainability and digital transition are the cornerstones of the European Union’s roadmap towards decarbonization. Both represent essential planning and evaluation criteria for anyone who works in architecture, interior design, or real estate and needs to follow ESG principles. Environmental, social, and governance are the three key parameters for measuring the sustainability of any real estate investment. In our industry, these macro-themes have been joined by artificial intelligence, perhaps the most powerful technological tool at the service of human creativity and one that’s capable of opening numerous, and unprecedented, future scenarios that are currently the subject of global debate.

A platform for networking, interaction, and professional updating that will bring together the entire supply chain, Perspective EU 2023 is shining a spotlight on all these issues, with the participation of over 500 invited speakers in the space of two days. The event will see the participation of the leading names in Italian real estate as well as the most important architecture, design, and engineering firms in Europe. This year, no fewer than 50 forum partner companies (general contractors and specialists in surface finishes, furnishings, sunshading, and façade systems) will be taking part, a clear sign of the interest sparked by the event.

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