Continuous Concrete Surfaces Play a Starring Role in a Renewal Project
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Continuous Concrete Surfaces Play a Starring Role in a Renewal Project

Ca’ Scarpa

Tobia Scarpa

Continuous Concrete Surfaces Play a Starring Role in a Renewal Project
By Redazione The Plan -

Using Isoplam continuous concrete surfaces in historic building refurbishments enables the conversion of existing spaces, enhancing their original beauty without distorting them. Isoplam products were used at the former church of Santa Maria Nova in Treviso, today known as Ca’ Scarpa, a multi-level exhibition center for the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche. The redesign’s hallmark feature is a staircase that, climbing between the old stone columns, is made out of Pavilux Overlay, a mineral and fiber-reinforced hardening mixture that provides a low-thickness solution, offering a concrete substitute for spaces with insufficient potential thickness. Deco Nuvolato hardener was used as a finish on a base of high-strength cement, pure quartz, anti-shrinkage additives and oxides with a high pigment concentration. This hand-finished Taupe layer was processed to achieve a perfectly smooth, planar effect. The flooring on all four levels of the redesigned church was made from Skyconcrete Indoor, a synthesis between an elegant cloudy effect finish and the versatility of a low-thickness coating, in this case in a Dark Gray color. Requiring a thickness of just 3 mm, this solution makes it possible to achieve a hardness equivalent to a concrete floor without overloading structures with excessive weight. The steps on the staircase and the floors on the various stories were all protected with Plam Sealing acrylic resin, which provides a stain-resistant, mildew-resistant, antibacterial and water-repellent action.

For more than 40 years now, Isoplam has been making decorative concrete floors and surfaces, helping architects and designers to choose the most suitable product for each project, and also offering on-site consultation. The firm’s research into materials and colors has enabled it to develop a wide range of continuous surfaces, from low thickness concrete flooring for industrial and civil use to metal cladding.
Isoplam’s vision may be summed up in one word: “Concreativity”, shorthand for quality, durability and customization.

Via Enrico Mattei, 4 - I - 31010 Maser (TV)
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