Project challenges: sustainable development and urban resilience fosters a multidisciplinary discussion on the role of the architectural project for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 UN Agenda. The collected contributions of researchers and important stakeholders reflect on the necessity to operate in the perspective of finding sustainable development alternatives and resilient responses to changes, offering a wide range of keys for reading and interpreting phenomena and challenges that connote the contemporaneity at different scales, from global policies to local interventions. Complex challenges in which environmental, cultural, social, and economic aspects seamlessly intertwine. The environmental technological project becomes an element of synthesis of the needs and resources of the territories and the local communities. Since the environmental, landscape, and cultural resources are largely non-renewable, they have to be used with awareness and responsibility, going beyond the concept of protection in itself and moving in the direction of the safeguard and transformation, in close continuity with the context of reference and in line with the limits imposed by the fragility of the assets themselves. The result is a systemic approach to the issues of sustainable development and urban resilience, realised through the implementation of innovative processes for the enhancement, integration, regeneration, and inclusion of the environmental, cultural, social, and economic heritage.
Title: Project challenges: sustainable, development and urban resilience
Author(s): Daniele Fanzini, Raffaella Riva
Publisher: Maggioli SPA
Year of publication: 12/2019
Pages: 266
Book series: Politecnica
Series: Studies and Projects
Topic: Architecture
Language: English
ISBN code: 8891632487
EAN code: 9788891632487
Daniele Fanzini
Raffaella Riva