DUALISM MANIFESTO. Design challenges for the XXI Century - Politecnica University Press | The Plan
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DUALISM MANIFESTO. Design challenges for the XXI Century
DUALISM MANIFESTO. Design challenges for the XXI Century
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This open access book intends to present a speculative, emergent and often radical approach to designing that draws on interdisciplinary research to explore the boundaries of design for contemporary and future spaces, observing reality through the critical lens of opposing dualisms which, precisely in their interval, define the value of the incredible versatility of being able to design between space and time, local and global, nature and artifice, science and art, technological and humanistic knowledge. The work gathers also experimental teaching and learning results collected during the six-year coordination period of the Master of Science in Interior and Spatial Design at the Politecnico di Milano | School of Design – from 2016to 2021 – which saw the Coordinator Board, together with colleagues and experts, draw a parallel and alternative line of study of design.

# Giovanna Piccinno_Dualism Manifesto
# Event pills_Ouverture, Final Symposium and Workshops

Giovanna Piccinno_Chronotopes design
# Focus on topic_Timespace pixels
01 # Alessandro Biamonti, Raffaella Colombo_Learning from Franco
> essay and comment to:
# Franco Bolelli_Instant Future
02 # Andrea Branzi_A new pedagogy
03 # Elisa C. Cattaneo, Giovanna Piccinno_Neoprimitive modernity
> essay and comment to:
# Andrea Branzi_A new conception of urban planning
04 # Stefano Mirti_A generative Chronotype
05 # Anna Barbara_Time revolution of spaces in the Digital Era
06 # Pietro C. Marani_Interior/Exterior Space
> essay and comment to:
# Alessandro Papetti_Impossible to define
# Medhat Shafik_Flashback as a memory
07 # Barbara Di Prete_The chronotope of the contemporary spatial project
08 # Susan Yelavich_East and West temporality

Giovanna Piccinno_Geographies of the Earth
01 # Michele De Lucchi_AMDL Circle_Earth stations. Future Sharing Architectures
02 # Markus Jatsch_MSP with Cristina Morbi_Climate Performance
# Focus on topic_Extraction Places_scapes Workshop
03 # Markus Jatsch_MSP_Performative time-space
04 # Margherita Palli_Lectio magistralis_Half Cuisine, half Theatre
05 # Alice C. J. Zingales_On/offline urban scenarios
06 # Campari Italia_In the Global scene

Giovanna Piccinno_The Cyborg-Scape vision
01 # Stavros Katsanevas_Marco Barsottini_The Virgo gravitational wave detector
> essay and comment to:
# Vincenzo Napolano_The artistic spatial expression in
Tomàs Saraceno’s work
02 # Cristina Morbi_Augmented Territories
> essay and comment to:
# Bruno Zamborlin_Hypersurfaces
03 # Alice C. J. Zingales_Soundscape interactive scenarios
> essay and comment to:
# Quiet Ensemble_Natural Elements as spatial actors
# Lorenzo Palmeri_Natural Sound and Technology
04 # Giulia Gerosa_Interiors in-between Nature and Artifice - Space and Sound
05 # Andrea Granitzio_Rooms to explore
# Focus on topic_Spatial Soundscape
# Thanks to all the students_1st year MSc in Interior and Spatial Design Academic Years 2017-22

Title: DUALISM MANIFESTO. Design challenges for the XXI Century

Author(s): Giovanna Piccinno

Publisher: Maggioli Spa

Year of publication: 04/2023

Pages: 214

Book series: Politecnica

Series: E-book Open Access

Topic: Design

Language: English

ISBN code: 91655899

EAN code: 9788891655899

Giovanna Piccinno

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054