The impacts of climate change, now increasing in intensity and acceleration, require a deep review of the design approaches to the urban and building scale, considering the environmental issues as essential guiding factors in the methodological and operational field and programmatically adopting the convergence between a plurality of knowledge adapted to the complexity of the transformations in progress. The volume From Urban Districts to Eco-districts. Knowledge Methodologies, Strategic Programmes, Pilot Projects for Climate Adaptation is the second of the two volumes that trace the scientific report of the PRIN 2015 Adaptive Design and Technological Innovations for the Resilient Regeneration of Urban Districts in a Climate Change Regime, carried out by the six Research Units in the Universities: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Politecnico di Milano, Sapienza Università di Roma, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. Research assumes that interventions for cities' climate adaptation require innovative and unpostponable approaches based on cultural and scientific expertise able to experiment and measure the effectiveness of the environmental project in climate/site-specific terms. On the one hand, the book explains the methodology adopted in the research based on systemic, procedural, performance and experimental approaches, referred to different Italian contexts and investigated in an inter-scalar and interdisciplinary way. On the other hand, it returns the experimental results of the proposed interventions, according to the sequence: analysis, strategic planning, meta-design, pilot projects and advanced testing. The research considers the regeneration of urban districts as significant reference dimension for projects that can be effective in preventing and reducing the impacts of climate change.
Title: Dai Distretti Urbani agli Eco-distretti. Metodologie di conoscenza, programmi strategici, progetti pilota per l'adattamento climatico
Author(s): Roberto Bologna, Mario Losasso, Elena Mussinelli, Fabrizio Tucci
Publisher: Maggioli SPA
Year of publication: 12/2020
Pages: 360
Book series: Politecnica
Series: Studies and Projects
Topic: Technology
Language: Italian / English
ISBN code: 8891643216
EAN code: 9788891643216
Roberto Bologna
Full Professor of Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Mario Losasso
Professore Ordinario di Tecnologia dell’Architettura presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Presidente della SITdA - Società Italiana della Tecnologia dell’Architettura e Coordinatore del Cluster Progettazione ambientale della SITdA. L’attività di ricerca riguarda il campo della Progettazione ambientale e dell’innovazione tecnologica in ambito edilizio e urbano con particolare approfondimento sulle strategie e azioni progettuali per l’adattamento e la mitigazione climatica.
Elena Mussinelli
Elena Mussinelli, full professor in Architectural Technology at Politecnico di Milano. She has been Coordinator of the PhD program "Design and technologies for cultural heritage" since 2012 and Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree Program "Architecture and building construction" since 2011. Her research interests are in the area of process innovation, with particular regard to: enhancement of landscape and cultural and environmental heritage; interventions for the morphological, functional and technological requalification at the building and urban scales; environmental and technological design of complex settlement systems approached considering the interrelations between urban and natural components; environmental quality regulations (protection of resources, EIA, SEA, landscape insertions, environmentally-friendly technologies).
Fabrizio Tucci
Professore Ordinario di Tecnologia?dell'Architettura, Coordinatore del?Dottorato in Pianificazione, Design,?Tecnologia dell'Architettura presso il?Dipartimento PDTA della Sapienza?Universit? di Roma. Coordinatore del?Cluster Nearly Zero Energy Building e?Delegato ai Rapporti con le Istituzioni?di SITdA - Societ? Italiana della?Tecnologia dell'Architettura.?Coordinatore del Gruppo internazionale?di Esperti del Green City Network,?Stati Generali della Green Economy.