Flat Rock House | The Plan
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Flat Rock House

This First One Is Just Great!

Billy Maynard

Flat Rock House
By Luca Maria Francesco Fabris -

Looking at this project, the first thing that comes to mind – at least to my mind – is “how old is this designer?”. It has got nothing to do with the location or the moment. Architecture is a language unto itself, a matter of technical ability, detailing and juxtaposed materials. Like all narrations, it can be interpreted, and may also often include much more that first meets the eye. Billy Maynard is a young Australian architect practicing in Sydney and this is his first completed project. Yet it clearly shows his resolve – and ability – to address and give his own interpretation, his own syntax, a lesson he has learned. What is frankly astounding is his maturity as an architect, visible in a whole series of elements despite the lack of information on the man even if he is present on all digital platforms. While still a student, Maynard won the NSW Architects Registration Board’s Byera Hadley Scholarship that allowed him to go to Portugal and Spain to research adaptive reuse, and during his Master’s in Architecture he worked at the prestigious Neeson Murcutt Architects. Today he is the very hands-on leader of the design group in charge of the spaces of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, part of the Sydney Modern Project designed by SANAA. He is also contracted to lecture at NSW University and Monash University, and has a truly in-depth knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary architecture.

This project is in the area of Bendalong, a village about 250 km south of Sydney and less than 250 m as the crow flies from Flat Rock Beach to the little village of the same name. Maynard’s brief entailed a long narrow site of only 660 sq. m, backed up against the Conjola National Park to the west, and squeezed between two other residential buildings. It is part of a small urban cluster of prevalently timber holiday homes neatly laid out in parallel fashion. Maynard has taken on the many constraints...

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054