Pace Gallery Headquarters | The Plan
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Pace Gallery Headquarters

A living building for democratic art

bonetti/kozerski architecture

Pace Gallery Headquarters
By Elisa Grossi -

Art galleries where works can be admired in a variety of different displays, but also offices, event and entertainment venues, and terraces for open-air exhibitions: these different spaces have been combined a bit like in a Tetris video game to create the Pace Gallery Headquarters in Manhattan, which opened to the public in September 2019 on West 25th Street in the Chelsea district of New York, a neighborhood where hundreds of former industrial premises have been converted into art galleries. 
Pace Gallery, which celebrated its 70th year of activity last year, promotes the democratization of art, organizing museum-quality exhibitions for the general public alongside its art dealership business. A stone’s throw from the High Line, the building was designed by Bonetti/Kozerski Architecture, the firm founded in New York over 20 years ago by Enrico Bonetti, who studied at Venice University under Aldo Rossi, and Dominic Kozerski, who trained at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. With a surface area of 7,000 sq. m distributed over eight stories, the building is clad with aluminum foam panels, combined on the main façade with volcanic stone slabs. 
The concept for this contemporary art gallery was developed over several phases and had to take into account many different aspects, starting with the client’s requirements. “The owner had this large one-story building”, explain the designers, “but wanted to exploit the full potential of the plot by building a multilevel structure”. The indication was to have different types of galleries, including an outdoor exhibition space. So, all these elements were fitted together in compliance with local building regulations. In order not to replicate the typical setback configuration of the buildings around, a different solution was devised: a spacious double-height upper volume with a balcony. “We designed a much higher-than-usual top floor, placing...

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