The Plan 123 [06-2020] | Magazine
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The Plan 123 [06-2020]

Toyo Ito & Associates | Amateur Architecture | Nemesi Architects | Trahan Architects | Barclay & Crousse Architecture | Remo Dorigati | Pierluigi Salvadeo | Bernardo Rodrigues | Laura von Dellemann | BCHO Architects | Patkau Architects | Group2

This issue begins with an editorial by Toyo Ito on the need to create shared spaces. In Letter from China, Amateur Architecture Studio demonstrates how traditions can be passed on through contemporary forms. In our regular Viaggio in Italia column, Nemesi Architects takes us on a tour of Italy’s avant-garde scene, while Trahan Architects shows us how architecture cannot escape its natural setting. Barclay & Crousse have apparently taken this last point as the inspiration for its architecture, with its material and spatial essentialism. Respect for existing architecture can be part and parcel of any renovation approach, as demonstrated by BCHO Architects’ renovation of an office complex. Bernardo Rodrigues and Laura von Dellemann use light to enhance human memory, while Remo Dorigati and Pierluigi Salvadeo design a university campus that encourages inclusiveness. Finally, compositional form is the key element of Biblioteca, designed by Patkau Architects + Group2.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054