The architectural term Urbanism has always been closely related to Modernism.
Today, in a modern country like China, there is a great divide between rural and urban development, which has led to the phenomenon of most architectural practices being influenced by the city, their home environment. This is also true in other art fields such as contemporary literary and film. However, a building has to be designed and constructed in the urban context where it is going to stand for a long time. If we do not consider the urban environment as the key factor of building design, then we will fail to grasp the meaning of terms like “huge” or “monumental” in modern Chinese society.
In all the architecture it has produced in recent years, there is no doubt that the Urbanus Architecture & Design practice has excelled in facing the challenges and solving the issues that arise with urbanization.
The OCT Loft Renovation Planning project in the industrial area of Nanshan District plays a seminal role as the cultural landmark of Shenzhen city. The Dafen Art Museum, best known for its collection of replica oil paintings is emblematic of the Shanzhai (copycat) Culture in China.
Taking its cue from the traditional dwellings of the Hakka people, the Tulou Collective Housing project has provided multifunctional residential quarters to low-income families in the metropolitan area.
Shenzhen’s Urban Fuxin Village is an interesting example of the firm’s urban design and research practice. In conclusion, all Urbanus production reflects the fundamental reality of the urban situation in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.
Urbanus Architecture & Design designed the OCT Loft Renovation Planning as a community participation project.
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