Università di Bologna - Teaching Hub - Forlì, Italy | The Plan
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Università di Bologna - Teaching Hub - Forlì, Italy

Lamberto Rossi Associati

Università di Bologna - Teaching Hub - Forlì, Italy
By Francesco Pagliari -

The university campus in Forlì, in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region, occupies the site of the town’s former hospital. The new complex is an intricate weave of new architecture and the former - now restored - hospital pavilions. The town is a key point of reference, interconnecting with the surrounding urban fabric a fundamental tenet of the programme. Pedestrian paths through the grounds encourage its use by the town’s residents and help make the campus a central node in a broader urban system that aims to blend old and new.
Three new teaching blocks are strategically placed along the axis running through the campus. Standing separately from each other, these 3-storey parallelepiped volumes house 16 large lecture halls - with either raked or flat floors - seating from 60 to 294. Each has a below grade floor. The three blocks are identical in overall geometry and interior layout. The outer cladding of horizontal slats that wraps around each volume lends further continuity. Made of composite material, timber and recycled plastic, the slats are positioned so as to shield the glazed walls effectively from the incident light.
The three lecture blocks are “anchored” to each other by an articulated, series of multi-purpose connections running orthogonally to the main volumes. The distinctive backbone of the whole complex, this multi-level distribution system is also a “manifesto” of the place: serving the essential function of connecting the three blocks and other new structures with the renovated sections, but at the same time embodying wider values of interconnection.
At ground floor level, it provides a slightly sloping covered walkway from which to access the lecture hall blocks - at grade or via appropriately placed staircases. Above this ground floor walkway, three “pipe” elements snake the campus offering access to the upper storeys of the lecture halls. Called the...

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054