Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex | The Plan
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Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex

Sergey Skuratov Architects

Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex
By Caterina Testa -

Sergey Skuratov graduated from Moscow’s Architecture Institute in 1979. More than 34 years’ experience as a practitioner and academic and some 20 built projects to his name have made him widely acknowledged for his intellectual and design excellence. Skuratov’s many projects in Moscow and other Russian cities evidence an intriguing blend of the rationalist and the ethereal, obsession and practicality, realism and vision; always mindful of context yet at the same time able to transcend it. While the urban context, its culture and history undoubtedly influence his projects and architectural design, Skuratov’s signature is always apparent whatever the building. Similarly, although themes and materials recur, each project is seized as an opportunity to define a new architectural language and launch an experimental challenge in terms of architectural style.

Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex
Brick volumes set as if suspended on glazed plinths are again the defining feature of the Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex.
The three blocks making up this business centre rest on a glazed ground floor base. This simple, rational system is enlivened by the plasticity of the vertical volumes and surfaces, like for example, the curved roof of the ground level structure that forms an irregular shaped ‘court’ between the buildings.
The three volumes overlook the river, the gently curved façades following the bend in the watercourse, a feature underlined by the graduated window size. In contrast, the two facing glazed cantilevers give the whole structure a sense of solidity and uniformity.

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