Condominium Salaino 10 | The Plan
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Condominium Salaino 10

Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel (ACPV)

Condominium Salaino 10
By Francesco Pagliari -

Salaino 10 is a residential complex designed and developed by Dolce Vita Homes with Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel Partners and Coima Image. With eight aboveground storeys, plus penthouse, and one underground level for cellars and garages, this new condominium in the older suburbs of southwest Milan overlooks the nearby Solari Park, one of the quarter’s most attractive features. Designed by Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners, the building marks a clear departure from the traditional urban and architectural approach to the city plot. Set back from the main street, it becomes an isolated volume, its rectangular plan offering open vistas on all sides. Standing apart from the main block, a low building running along the side of the site is the only element that bears some resemblance to the industrial construction that stood there before. Everything about this urban architecture speaks of contemporary living design. At the same time, however, the building exudes the restraint of a comfortable 19th century urban mansion, with flowerbeds and trees lining the path up to the entrance. It stands in its setting as an elegant piece of urban furniture. The concrete boundary wall has a refined asymmetrical pattern of open slits giving incomplete glimpses of the other side and producing dappled shadows on the open spaces around the house. Similar slatted partitions are used in the grounds around the building. Protecting the path to the entrance is a metal-frame canopy with a wood-lined soffit. The canopy roof in turn becomes a terrace with metal railings. Inside, the same sleek, essential design lends a sense of refinement. Walls are clad in metal sheet steel and wood panels. The flooring is light coloured to better reflect the light from outside. The linear box geometry has here been slightly deconstructed by staggering the apertures on each floor, cantilevering some of the floors and creating voids to form deep terraces. Irregularity is harmonised, however, by...

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054