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London: urban strategies for the future

John McAslan + Partners | Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

London: urban strategies for the future
By Federico Mastrorilli -

Some eight million people live in London’s urban area, the most populous of the western European metropolises, a civil and multiethnic community dwelling in “boroughs” that differ greatly in terms of wealth and social conditions, today uniformly affected by an economic recession that will get progressively worse in 2009.
The forecasts for this new period to be faced with collective awareness inevitably suggest changes in the management of territorial infrastructural assets and in the urban development that directly ensues.
The London Plan, launched by the city’s controlling body, The Mayor of London, and monitored by The Greater London Authority, The London Development Agency and Design for London, amongst other bodies, minutely clarifies what the city’s future landscape will look like over the coming decade.
That development plan envisages explicit as well as clearly-defined studies on sustainability for each type of new addition or refurbishment in a metropolis that will see an exponential growth in its inhabitants and its own critical factor, chiefly in relation to the environment.
On the agenda we have continuous monitoring of climate change imposing a high degree of social responsibility on the whole of the London community as concerns natural resources, public transport and all of those criteria that stem from common sense in preventing the sort of collapse that would be impossible to remedy à posteriori.
In practical terms, all of this translates into the promotion of measures safeguarding the environment that involve each individual operator of the various sectors all the way down to the citizens themselves.
In evaluating the technological processes and the materials to be used for architectural constructions we ought not to underestimate the wellbeing and salubrity of the places that host them: the air quality, biodiversity, renewable energy, solid urban waste, ground and waterways contamination are among the most...

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