MCA - Mario Cucinella Architects | 5+1AA Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo | Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel (ACPV)
For a city, to have a plan to transform vast metropolitan areas, presumes a will to have a future. It requires a meeting of minds on the urban planning and arch
#MCA - Mario Cucinella Architects (39) #5+1AA Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo (24) #Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel (ACPV) (24)

Progetto CMR | Pier Paolo Maggiora
This review of Italy’s large-scale regeneration projects shows how much the different programmes have in common. Despite their varied geographical locations o
#Progetto CMR (18) #Pier Paolo Maggiora

John McAslan + Partners | Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Some eight million people live in London’s urban area, the most populous of the western European metropolises, a civil and multiethnic community dwelling in
#John McAslan + Partners (17) #Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Since 2001 Paris has embarked on a sweeping operation of urban upgrade and new building affecting some 10% of the city’s territory. Out of this venture came t
#Ateliers Jean Nouvel

Geography:The city is in the central-eastern area of France and is the main centre of the Rhône-Alpes region amidst the Rhone Valley. To the north and east are

A new part of Hamburg is springing up between the old town centre, the Speicherstadt district and the river Elbe. HafenCity Hamburg is one of the most extensive