Polini Motori Headquarters | The Plan
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Polini Motori Headquarters

Joseph di Pasquale

Polini Motori Headquarters
By Redazione The Plan -

The trapezoidal shaped plot, with a main road running along one side, meant that the factory building had to be aligned along the former railway tracks of the Val Seriana line to the north, and vie with the imposing Italcementi factory close by. Horizontal and “dematerialised”, the composition is informed by the theme of speed. The horizontal structure has been obtained by connecting the façade of the racing division to the roof of the office block, creating a single unit. The appearance is of a partly sliced off cylinder lying on its side, its surface clad in large Alucobond aluminium panels, façades and roof distinguished only by the different type of anchoring. The double height cylinder section resting against the racing division contains the atrium with stairs and lifts. Like an expansion joint set between office block and racing division, it breaks the continuous line of the overall complex. The office block proper is marked out by a glazed façade standing free of the main structural frame. A sun screen by day, it becomes a luminous landmark by night, illuminated from the interior and by a series of neon lamps applied to the internal side of the glazed skin near the Alucobond cross members running the length of the façade. Behind this outer skin, the wall of the main building has traditional window frames. Blue polycarbonate backlit panels in metal frames turn the stacks into an illuminated tower. The distinctive motif on the dark coloured fair-face concrete of the racing division was created by placing the formwork modules so as to evidence the grid pattern formed by the special metal spacer elements. On the interior, the glazed partitioning characterising the office interior is flexible and user-friendly. Different levels of concentration and seclusion are ensured by graduated-transparency screen printed panes: translucent for greater privacy at lower, sitting level, becoming fully transparent at a height of approximately 1.60 m to provide full views to a...

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054