XGONE - New frontiers for Ceramics
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XGONE - New frontiers for Ceramics

XGONE - New frontiers for Ceramics
By Redazione The Plan -

XGONE was a project born out of Restile, a contest Mirage promoted in early 2014 involving designers, architects and artists from over 40 countries, with more than 200 designs submitted. The goal was to find new ways of interpreting and using ceramics and it concluded with various projects receiving awards, including “Versatile”, a concept put forward by the Deferrari + Modesti architectural practice. Mirage took this idea further, working closely with Lavinia Modesti and Javier De Ferrari, to create XGONE, a ceramic concept built on versatility and infinite creative possibilities.
Using a hexagonal shape as the basis, three different size modules were developed (with sides of 150, 300 and 600 mm) in 9 colours with natural finishes. Two colours also come with a lined or polka dot pattern.
Since the smaller modules can be inserted into the larger ones, it opens up a huge range of design and composition options that go beyond the concept of serial repetition to harmonious decoration.
Patterns and colours can then be used to produce the required aesthetic and emotive impact. The characteristics of XGONE make it suitable for floors and walls, both in homes, shops and the contract sector.

Via Giardini Nord, 225
I - 41026 Pavullo nel Frignano (MO)
Tel. +39 0536 29611

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054