Kerlite Oaks - When wood means Kerlite
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Kerlite Oaks - When wood means Kerlite

Kerlite Oaks - When wood means Kerlite
By Redazione The Plan -

The latest trend in ceramic tiles is to find materials combining lightness, toughness, versatility and ease of application. Another quest is for alternatives to the classic ceramic look, drawing on the textures of other (usually natural) materials.
Cotto d’Este brings this together in Kerlite Oaks, its latest addition to the Kerlite Plus collection. The 3 mm thick Kerlite biscuit has been backed with a 0.5 mm fibreglass reinforcement, so that it can be laid straight onto the previous floor, avoiding the disruption and cost of demolition and tedious raising of doors and skirting boards.
Kerlite Oaks reproduces the colour and veining of wood with great fidelity. The fascination of the natural material combines with the properties of high tech ceramics . resistant to abrasion, wear, colour change and liquid absorption, as well as being easy to lay. Kerlite Oaks comes in four colours (Fossil, Rain, Land and Timber) and the following formats: 100x100 - 300x100 - 20x150 - 14.2x100 cm, 3,5 mm thick. It expresses Cotto d’Este’s commitment to eco-friendliness: at every stage of manufacturing care is taken to recycle scrap, save water, spare the forest heritage, and make the workplace safer.


Cotto d’Este
Via Emilia Romagna, 31
I - 41049 Sassuolo (MO)
Tel. +39 0536 814911
Fax +39 0536 814918
E-mail: [email protected]

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