The strata of aeons go ceramic
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The strata of aeons go ceramic

The strata of  aeons go ceramic
By Redazione The Plan -

With their Natural Stone ceramic collections Ceramiche Coem aim to harness technology and reproduce the beauty and strength of the natural material. Pietra Vicentina forms part of that collection: a porcelain stoneware tile with all the appearance and allure of the light beige sedimentary original, down to the shell and other limestone fossil matter found on the surface. It comes in 4 colours (White, Gold, Grey, Walnut) and the formats 60x60, 30x60, 45x90, 45x45 cm. While matching the natural colouring and surface texture, Pietra Vicentina even improves on the properties of the real rock: toughness, compactness, modularity.
It was the texture of Ceramiche Coem’s Pietra Vicentina that inspired TILEinSIDE, the installation entered for the Milan Triennale by architect Giacomo Sanna, together with Vittorio Minervini and Alessandra Scardaoni. The designers’ core idea was to approach composition the other way round from the classic Italian-style garden: namely, to create a naturalistic shape out of a standard geometrical unit, the ceramic tile. With construction techniques supported by digital technology, the architects devised a space that leads the visitor inside the material. In the process the stratification of shape and colour heightens the nature-artifice dichotomy, and brings out all the aesthetic, technical and tactile features of Pietra Vicentina. In progressing from the artificial to the natural they tap the potential of a material that itself draws on nature.

Ceramiche Coem
Via Cameazzo, 25
I - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO)
Tel. +39 0536 993511
Fax +39 0536 993588
E-mail: [email protected]

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