The Elevator Evolves: A Thrilling Merger of Innovation and Design
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The Elevator Evolves: A Thrilling Merger of Innovation and Design

By Redazione The Plan -

Once impersonal, industrial conveyors of people and objects, the latest elevators have taken a quantum leap forward by blending precise design, careful choices of materials, technology and interaction to integrate seamlessly into interior environments and the overall architectural feel. IGV Group, one of the world’s leading elevator manufacturers, is the perfect example of such an approach in which design and innovation are paramount in meeting clients’ needs, producing customized solutions and ensuring quality Made-in-Italy products. The company’s vision is at the heart of its extensive, flexible range of fitted, modular and scalable elevators, where technology becomes an almost invisible complement to the aesthetics, guaranteeing demanding levels of safety and protection. No choices are left to change in such designs: pre-treated materials with antimicrobial properties for the walls and floor; the side grooves, doubling as handrails, hide ultraviolet germicidal irradiation technology; and the high-efficiency mechanical ventilation system performs continuous air sanitization and provides near-instantaneous air exchange. These more hidden technological elements are coupled with the more evident use of technology for the innovative interface and internal communication system: buttons that absorb viral loads, no-touch buttons activated by proximity sensors, multilingual voice interfaces that can be linked to facial recognition technology to only allow controlled access to specific floors, and elevators controlled remotely via a smartphone. The systems for lighting and sound, including Dolby Surround, turn the elevator car into a creative and emotional space in which the light is a further design element that accompanies the passing of time each day with changing colors and hidden nuances. Finally, CARe is a latest-generation system that meets the hygiene and sanitization requirements that are central to any elevator car. This solution is silent, effective and easy to retrofit on any existing elevator, using UV-C light to sterilize the environment combined with a HEPA absolute air filter that can remove up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054