Tegosolar - Photovoltaic tiles incorporated into roofs
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Tegosolar - Photovoltaic tiles incorporated into roofs

Tegosolar - Photovoltaic tiles incorporated into roofs
By Redazione The Plan -

Tegola Canadese specializes in the manufacture and sale of asphalt roof tiles for public, residential, commercial and industrial applications.
Through its R&D division, the firm has developed technologies and products that, with their lightness, flexibility, and ease of transport and installation, offer the best solution possible in terms of appearance, quality and performance for both new builds and renovations. Tegola Canadese offers four product lines: a granule-coated asphalt shingles, Master double-layer ceramic granule-coated asphalt shingles, Prestige asphalt shingles with a copper or zinc-titanium finish, and Tegosolar photovoltaic tiles. In terms of appearance, Tegosolar photovoltaic tiles can be seamlessly integrated with all Tegola Canadese roof coverings, combining protection and waterproofing with renewable photovoltaic energy production. Tegosolar is the product of a partnership between Tegola Canadese and United Solar Ovonic, which guarantees the photovoltaic cells for 25 years. The tiles are based on thin-film amorphous silicon triple junction solar cells, which use both direct and indirect sunlight. This makes it possible to more effectively ‘capture’ the three colours of the solar spectrum, ensuring a constant output that is 20 per cent better than traditional crystalline panels. It is therefore possible to use Tegosolar tiles on roofs with poor exposure, as well as on roofs with a slope of between 5 and 60 degrees.

Tegola Canadese
Via dell’Industria, 21
I - 31029 Vittorio Veneto
Tel. +39 0438 9111
Fax +39 0438 911260

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054