Stopray Smart -? One product, two uses
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Stopray Smart - One product, two uses

Stopray Smart -? One product, two uses
By Redazione The Plan -

The latest additions to AGC’s Stopray range of magnetron-coated glass - Smart 51/33 and Smart 30/20 - both offer excellent solar control and thermal insulation. Smart products in general really stand out from the crowd as they offer comparable energy, light and insulation performance, but can be used in tempered or non-tempered versions. Such versatility ensures all needs and requirements can be met, providing an optimal combination of high performance and installation ease. Neither Smart 51/33 nor Smart 30/20 requires edge-deletion during assembly, making any subsequent work on the glass easier while offering an aesthetically pleasing solution for a load-bearing façade. Stopray Smart’s colour is neutral, while Stopray Smart 30/20 is bluish-neutral. The low solar factors - 33% and 20% respectively for Stopray Smart 51/33 and Smart 30/20 - make such glass ideal for areas where heat control is important. The Ug thermal isolation figures for both Stopray Smart 51/33 and Smart 30/20 are 1.1 W/m2K and the dual usage reduces the need for storage space. Stopray Smart glass is Cradle to Cradle CertifiedCM Silver, meaning more points for LEED and BREAAM certifications.

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