Smart-Control KNX - Design and simplicity of use
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Smart-Control KNX - Design and simplicity of use

Smart-Control KNX - Design and simplicity of use
By Redazione The Plan -

Jung’s new Smart-Control, a compact home automation system that uses KNX technology, greatly simplifies even the most complex aspects of domestic management. The colour touchscreen and smart user interface allow simple, user-friendly browsing and scrolling to select the required command or feature since all the functions can be controlled from a single point. The control icons are large and the dimmer sliders make adjusting lighting, opening or closing shutters and setting the temperature extremely simple. This ease of use goes hand-in-hand with the clear interface, where the visual organisation is very easy to make out. The supervision feature provides information about individual applications, allowing for centralised, integrated control.
The home and favourites pages are probably the most useful, since a user can group common features together and then access them directly. Yet, this simplicity has not meant that the Jung Smart-Control ignored the aesthetic side. Like the devices in LS series, it has a simple, elegant design that blends into the house’s electricity system.


P.O. Box 1320
D - 58569 Schalksmühle
Tel. +49 2355 806553
Fax +49 2355 806254
E-mail: [email protected]

Jung Italia
Jürgen Lechl
Vicolo S. Florian, 36
I - 39040 Luson (BZ)
Tel. +39 3488968255
Fax: +39 348 208968255
E-mail: [email protected]

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