Sistema 2° The adaptable system for self-sufficient buildings
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Sistema 2° The adaptable system for self-sufficient buildings

Sistema 2° The adaptable system for self-sufficient buildings
By Redazione The Plan -

Schüco’s Sistema 2° is an innovative building shell that acts as thermal insulation, a cooling and ventilation system and also a heat accumulator, sun screen and energy producer. Sistema 2° is composed of two functional nuclei: mobile layers (insulation, solar screening, photovoltaic panelling) and a thermo-active wall. The layer component enables façade function to adjust to individual needs, the configuration changing as the weather conditions vary. With its built-in ventilation devices the thermally active wall reduces the need for room heating or cooling. It may have two kinds of function: hybrid cooling with retrieval of heat and night-time cooling, or passive cooling via Phase Change Materials (PCM), honeycomb panels serving to store latent heat.
In combination with the energy production from photovoltaic elements, both Sistema 2° thermo-active components enable an energy balance to be achieved that is globally positive. The energy used to heat and cool, like the overall energy requirement, proves to be 80% lower than a building constructed to EnEV 2009 energy-saving standards. Before going officially onto the market, Sistema 2° units were used for the shell of the Stadthaus an der Schlei, a pilot scheme for a multi-family building on the Baltic Sea designed by Paul Sindram. Given the planning remit and climate conditions, the building façade uses a layer of glass, one of insulation and one of brise-soleil for the mobile component, while fixed photovoltaic panels alternate with shiny white façade units on the thermo-active wall. The project meets the customers’ high comfort requirement, as well as their gesture of eco-responsibility in building to energy efficient and environmentally-aware standards. In its annual heat consumption, the Stadthaus is close to passive, the value being 15 KWh/m2a; in terms of primary energy need it is distinctly lower. Sistema 2° units meant that large window apertures could be left to north, west and east - a clear advantage in comfort. With its thin-film PV modules set into the façade and 36 extra PV units, the building manages to produce more primary energy than it needs.
This surplus is ploughed back into the distribution grid of the neighbouring town, Schleswig.


Schüco International Italia
Via del Progresso, 42
I - 35127 Padova
Tel. +39 049 7392000
Fax +39 049 739 2402

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054