SHODO literally means “the way of writing”, but it is used in Japanese to refer to the art of calligraphy and the studying, commitment and research needed to fully master the art of writing. The movement of the unbroken brush stroke on white rice paper is the result of constant effort, expressing harmony, pace, control and assurance. It is this idea of formal perfection that Eclisse turned to for inspiration for the form and natural look of its new system of sliding and regular doors. Sitting flush with the wall, this system combines superb aesthetics with true functionality to optimise the effect of the door against the wall and, more generally, in the room. SHODO takes traditional finishings, door posts and frames to combine them in a single element that produces a seamless line - perfectly flush with the wall - that runs along the entire perimeter of the door panel, right down to the skirting board. The result is a complete lack of thickness that both embraces and adds to the room, creating clear cut, elegant and seamless contours. The SHODO system includes: the SHODO sliding counterframe for sliding doors with posts and frames that are flush with walls, available both for single and double leaf doors; the SHOD? frame for co-planar leaf doors with posts and frames that are flush with walls; and the SHODO skirting board, a profile that lets you to mount the skirting board flush against the wall. The latter element means furniture can be placed right against the wall, instead of just off it as with a traditional skirting board. Combining the SHODO skirting board with SHODO sliding and SHODO leaf door produces beautiful, functional results, marked by continuity between the door frames and the skirting board, creating a single element that defines volumes, space and lines. The SHODO system is available for masonry (108, 125 and 150 mm thick) or plasterboard walls (125 or 150 mm), up to 1,000 mm wide and 2,400 mm high.
Via Sernaglia, 76
I - 31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV)
Tel. +39 0438 980513
Fax +39 0438 980804
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