Roof system - Solutions for all roof types
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Roof system - Solutions for all roof types

Roof system - Solutions for all roof types
By Redazione The Plan -

Wierer’s roof system, suitable for new builds or renovations, has been designed to cut the energy requirements of buildings and limit heat loss through the roof. Since different climates and building structures necessitate specific solutions, Wierer has developed ten package types, each containing all the components and accessories needed to produce an elegant roof, including tiles, thermal and acoustic insulation boards, vapour-permeable and water-resistant underlays, guard systems, and solar-heating and hot water systems. The Pir Energy line for use with concrete, masonry and wood offers solutions for non-continuous load-bearing structures that minimise the depth of the roof, while ensuring excellent thermal insulation in summer and winter. Pir Energy is made of expanded polyurethane with PIR foam, making it ideal for areas with significant temperature changes. The perforated metal strip integrated into the board ensures ventilation for the roof. Isotegola Evolution is a solution, both for new builds and renovations, for continuous structures. It can be used with concrete, masonry and wood, and combines good levels of insulation with speed of installation. It is made of double density EPS with graphite added to improve insulation performance. Isotegola Evolution’s moulded shape allows for ideal tile placement, although even better performance can be obtained with the addition of a metal batten on the upper part of the moulded surface. For relatively flat roofs (less than 10% pitch), Wierer has come up with Isomaxi P10 to allow optimal use of the attic space without giving up the additional beauty brought by using tiles. The Isomaxi insulation board, made of moulded EPS, is designed for use with Coppo Big tiles specifically suited for roofs with minimal pitch. Wierer’s solutions all comply with Legislative Decree no. 311/06 and CasaClima standards. They also cut installation time by up to 50% (compared to traditional systems) and come with a 15-year guarantee.


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