RESTILE AWARDS - At the forefront ?of ceramics
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RESTILE AWARDS - At the forefront ?of ceramics

RESTILE AWARDS - At the forefront ?of ceramics
By Redazione The Plan -

The Restile competition, completed in March, was created and backed by Mirage, with help from Politecnico di Milano’s ABC department. It marked a major step forward in this sector, using genuine international crowdsourcing and being exclusively managed using web 2.0 techniques (social networks and blogosphere). The goal was to open up new aesthetic frontiers for ceramic tiles. Over 200 participants from 25 countries took part, but only three projects were selected, with five others receiving special mentions. The designs were judged on their creativity, feasibility (i.e. could it actually be manufactured) and innovation. These 8 projects were then exhibited during the Milan Furniture Fair.
First prize went to “Mezzo Tinto”, designed by Istvan Bojte and Gaia Bottari, largely as it achieved a superb balance between the three aspects under the microscope. “Mezzo Tinto” plays with materials, has clear nuances and draws on both urban and industrial design. The runner up was Arabella Guidotto with “Sfumate Geometrie”. The jury saw in this work a wonderful combination of graphic and material effects that create a pattern that is notable to touch and to look at. Third place was taken by Lavinia Modesti and Javier De Ferrari for their project, “Versatile”, a contemporary reinterpretation of the hexagonal shape in combination with innovative and “versatile” decoration.
The five special mentions went to Daniele Canuti for “til3d”, Andrea Balzano for “Kintsugi”, Filippo Bombace for “Line collection”, Ilaria Gambuti for “Sh-Ic Tissue Inspiration” and Anna Miniussi for “Fogli”.


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