Renovation Piazza Garibaldi, Cantu
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Renovation Piazza Garibaldi, Cantu

Renovation Piazza Garibaldi, Cantu
By Redazione The Plan -

The recent upgrade to Piazza Garibaldi in the old town of Cantù involved re-laying an area of 1,600 m2 of vehicle-bearing paving stones in Adamello granite, which are renowned for being easy to up-end. The Mapei Group took part in this operation, providing pre-mixed concrete products in the XF4, Duriment TFB 3.2 exposure class to form the bedding course, after the slabs had been removed for cleaning, and Duriment PFS/2 to seal the grouts. Both these products guarantee the concrete 28-day resistance above 40 N/mm², which is far higher than traditional materials achieve; they also afford special resistance to the freezing/unfreezing cycle and the effects of anti-freeze salt-spreading - acute weathering factors that are so typical of the North Italian climate. Using class XF4 also enabled the concrete to set quickly, jumping forward the day of re-opening the square to traffic. The improved stability and resistance to the continual stresses such paving has to stand up to will cut down maintenance operations on the road surface - a money-saver which also reduces potential hazards.


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