Private Residence
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Private Residence

Private Residence
By Redazione The Plan -

Mapei was recently involved in work to renovate and refurbish a 16th century castle residence in Hainaut, the French-speaking region of Belgium bordering on northern France. The variety of materials used - dark grey local Hainaut stone, steel and wood - aimed to create a contemporary interior décor that blended with its historic setting and surrounding natural landscape. Some 400 sq m of parquet boards were laid over the pre-existing flooring, for the most part unrendered concrete paving. Quick-setting and drying Mapecem Pronto mortar was used to create a level screed in the kitchen and living room area, while problems of possible rising damp were offset in the entrance with the application of the MF Barrier System, an impregnating resin mix that saturates flooring surface pores. In the living room, a significantly uneven surface was remediated with self-levelling Ultraplan Maxi smooth mortar. In the kitchen, the contractor and Mapei chose Plano 3 as a render, a self-levelling, ultra-fast hardening mortar for interiors. The flooring was then affixed with Ultrabond Eco S995 1K, an odourless adhesive with extremely low volatile organic substance emission containing no solvents or isocyanates. Ultrabond Eco S995 1K forms an elastic layer that also improves the soundproofing of the environments it is used in. The product is suitable for all types of parquet as well as radiant floors as was the case here in the entrance hall and bathrooms.


Via Cafiero, 22
I - 20158 Milano
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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054