Mix and Shade - Boundless Colour
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Mix and Shade - Boundless Colour

Mix and Shade - Boundless Colour
By Redazione The Plan -

The Mosaico+ Vetrina collection was already ductility itself, with its 72-colour glossy glass gradient and 3 matt finishes. On top of this comes Mix: 42 new colour compositions broadening the scope for ever-more sophisticated and expressive combinations. The Mix 42 palette falls into three graded modules with a range of lights and darks, each module containing up to nine colours. The gloss and matt finishes may be put together to still more original effect. Inside such a broad gamut the primary colours soften and merge by subtle variations to increase the expressive potential of the colour and whet the interior designer’s creative appetite. The next step on from Vetrina’s Mix is the modular graded panel in which the colour fades and regularly dissolves through 14 tonalities. These perfectly match the Vetrina Mix palette and aid the design process by their extra degree of completeness. Each shade blends with the lightest or darkest Mix tones, widening the range of surfaces that can be moulded by tiling: walls, floors, striking architectural volumes. Designers familiar with Mosaico+ can rival mosaic effects and give rein to their creativity: from a personalized chromatic mélange to the depiction of an idea, an image, a photo on any scale. Mosaic experts at Mosaico+ offer useful technical back-up at any stage of the planning process - analysis of drawings, provision of specialized labour. State of the art workmanship is guaranteed.

Via S. Lorenzo, 58/59
I - 42013 Casalgrande (RE)
Tel +39 0522 990011
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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054