Material, light and colour meet
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Material, light and colour meet

Material, light and colour meet
By Redazione The Plan -

Oikos, a company that has being producing materials and colours since 1984, has always placed real emphasis on research and seen ethics as the basis for the manufacturing process. Oikos’ main targets include people’s health and the impact of its products on the environment. The company is committed to creating water-based products using an industrial cycle built around energy efficiency and the re-use of fine dust, water and residual materials from other processes. On the aesthetic side, Oikos draws from the Italian decorative tradition, interpreting it with a contemporary look, working with project designers. The Company has given a new lease of life to the crafts side of painting, developing a generation of “master decorators”.
Over the years, Oikos has become a true travel companion for the best project designers, working alongside them from the concept right up to building site installation. The focus on colour - not as an end in itself, but as a reappraisal of surface materials - has guided research at Oikos leading to an analysis of the profound relationship between materials, colours and light. The result is seven families of materials - Absorption, Corrosion, Reflections, Stratifications, Vibrations, Weaves and Transparencies - that interpret the original colour effect produced when light meets colour and different surfaces.


Via Cherubini, 2
I - 47043 Gatteo Mare (FC)
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