Lacobel T - Glass and colour
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Lacobel T - Glass and colour

Lacobel T - Glass and colour
By Redazione The Plan -
AGC Glass Europe’s Lacobel T float glass is coated on one side with an enamel paint and needs to be thermally treated. The original colour palette - Cool White, Crisp White, Zen Grey and Deep Black - was extended to 15 colours to open up a wide range of options for designers in different fields (façades, interiors and industrial products). The glass can be tempered or thermally hardened directly by processing firms, simplifying the production process and cutting delivery times. Lacobel T is not only glossy and uniform, but also robust and strong, resistant to shocks, cracks, humidity, heat, temperature changes and UV radiation. Consequently, it has a myriad of uses in interior decoration, including for furniture, doors, partition walls and wall linings in homes, offices and most other buildings. Externally, it can be used, for example, to coat façades and windows, guaranteeing durability and easy maintenance.

AGC FLAT Glass italia
Via F. Turati, 7
I - 20121 Milano
Tel. + 39 02 62690110
Fax + 39 02 6570101
E-mail: [email protected]

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