Laminam Energia - High energy efficiency and looks to match
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Laminam Energia - High energy efficiency and looks to match

Laminam Energia - High energy efficiency and looks to match
By Redazione The Plan -

Laminam®, the innovatory porcelain stoneware slab that is a mere 3 mm thick, has extended its scope in line with developments in the photovoltaic sector. An advanced manufacturing process combines energy efficiency (130 W peak per 1000x1000 mm unit) and a handsome appearance. Silicon cells are applied to the surface by an encapsulant with high mechanical properties, resistance to atmospheric agents including salt, and load-bearing up to 700 kg/m2, despite the lightness of its ultra-thin support. Laminam Energia is an elegant 8 mm thick photovoltaic cladding slab. It comes in various formats – 1000x1000 / 1000x1500 / 750x1000 mm - to suit all kinds of application (ventilated walls, ground- and roof-mounted PV installations, sloping roofs); there are also waterproof versions and weatherproof roof tiles. This self-supporting, man-supporting product does away with aluminium edging and blends into existing architectural features. It comes in 13 colours from the Collection series, and looks at its best in combination with Laminam traditional slabs. The tiles can be fitted with smoke-grey mono-crystalline silicon cells or pigmented pluri-crystalline silicon, the different colours making for personalization of design. Gruppo System - a leader in the field of industrial automation, decoration systems for ceramic tiles, logistics and electronics – guarantees Laminam Energy panels for 25 years.


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