S.A.C. (Società Appalti Costruzioni) is a company that builds major projects, undertaking the design, construction, maintenance, refurbishment and restoration of civil and industrial buildings. Over the years, the company has gained significant experience and built up a highly qualified, dynamic operational structure that brings together the features of a large company with the flexibility and versatility needed to build incredibly diverse, yet highly specific and individual projects. S.A.C. works closely with professional practices across the design and construction process, playing an active role in each stage, including contributing to feasibility studies, materials research and analysis, the definition of details, and then the construction and management of the actual work. S.A.C.’s focus on security and safety to achieve excellent standards of project management, along with its ability to provide technical support and the managerial and financial assistance needed to build and manage major projects (both for size and architectural complexity) are the key elements that have earned the company the trust of numerous public and private clients, for whom it has built projects in a range of sectors. It has built new houses, residences, offices, cultural and institutional buildings, and infrastructure, but it has also undertaken major restoration projects for historic buildings, doing everything from refurbishment to upgrades to meet landscape and regulatory requirements. The company also constructs buildings for the property market and often plays the leading role in temporary ventures to build major works.
Via Barnaba Oriani, 114 - I - 00197 Roma
Tel. +39 06 8084741 - Fax +39 06 8077562
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] - www.sacspa.it