Edilco - the Evolving Staircase
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Edilco - the Evolving Staircase

Edilco - the Evolving Staircase
By Redazione The Plan -

The story of Edilco, the Verona firm that dates from the early Seventies, begins with a patent on a modular constructional system in reinforced concrete: pre-fab steps to assemble and finish on site, around a self-sustaining spiral centre. The Edilco stair structure minimizes the bulk of traditional spiral staircases and enables one to play with dimensions whilst keeping enough width of tread. This gives the staircase increased user appeal: it comes into its own in confined spaces.
Behind Edilco’s production is the aesthetic idea of a staircase as a ribbon stretching between the various storeys of a house, and not just a functional way of connecting them. To cater to customer demand, the cement steps can be finished in any number of materials: wood, marble or granite. Each step is fitted with a socket to carry a banister. This can be continuous and plaster-finished, or adopt the jointed steel model patented by Edilco, mounted entirely with screws and hence free of welding. Other makes of handrail can also be fitted.
In time the product range has broadened. A straight module has meant that stairs can now have mixed flights and hence be elliptical as well as straight. The original reinforced concrete has been extended by bearing structures in stainless steel. These are custom-designed, assembled in the works and then divided into two or three sections for re-assembly on site. The bearing structure in this case is two straight or moulded girders to a variable design. Treads may be in various woods, marble, granite or glass, in a range of finishes and colours. The module principle means that many design options are feasible, adapting to differing space, look and function requirements.
The latest novelty in the metal collection is Skin Color: the structure for this is in various colour finishes, gloss or matt, with glass treads themselves in a range of colours, transparent or satin-finish.
The great flexibility of the steel staircase, extending to large dimensions, has meant that in recent years Edilco has gone in for large-scale works, one of the company’s lines of future development.


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I - 37060 Sona (VR)
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