Easy Slide by Finstral
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Easy Slide by Finstral

Easy Slide by Finstral
By Redazione The Plan -

The innovative technical and structural characteristics of the Easy-Slide allow the creation of an innovative product that combines the sleek design of the aluminum to the excellent performance of the PVC insulation. The multi-chamber profiles in PVC, technological core of the system, ensure, in fact, high energy efficiency, while the aluminum coating on both sides ensures great stability, as well as offering numerous customization possibilities in the choice of colors and surfaces. Particularly slender and elegant lines make the new Easy-Slide brings a true design element. On the inside, the door Nova-line, with reduced dimensions and slender profiles, produces large transparencies. On the outside, the door retractable creates essential aesthetic and symmetrical. The large windows of the Easy-Slide promote the contribution of light, bright and comfortable. Even the hardware retractable helps to determine an overall aesthetic result very clean and straightforward. Equipped with a lowered threshold of only 26 mm, the sliding Easy-Slide is the ideal solution to facilitate the transition between indoors and outdoors. The new sliding door Finestral is a perfect combination of excellent tightness and ease of use.
The doors allow smooth scrolling and are easy to operate, without any effort. The excellent values in terms of water resistance and air permeability are the merits of the gaskets which run continuously throughout the perimeter. Even the guide devices and locking points located in all four corners of the wing contribute to good tightness of the system.


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