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A Bioclimatic Pergola Revolutionizing the Outdoors

By Redazione The Plan -

The delights of nature, but the comfort and privacy of a home. On the eve of its 60th anniversary, Pratic has unveiled a new version of its Connect bioclimatic pergola. Designed during the early months of lockdown in Italy, the project aims to revolutionize open-air architecture, bringing the benefits of nature into a closed, indoor space. For the first time, Pratic has combined the advantages of Spy Glass with Connect, creating a highly innovative space. From the outside, the panels reflect the light, turning the pergola walls into mirrors; from the inside, the view sweeps outwards, taking in the panorama, but from a completely private space that cannot be penetrated by an external gaze. At the heart of this design, Pratic has created a module that can be free-standing or combined with other modules, potentially of differing sizes, to produce the desired size and layout. 
Such customization is at the core of Connect, making it a flexible option that could be used for a home office, a living room, a wellness space or even an outdoor kitchen. Whatever the intended use, Connect combines comfort with technological innovation and automation. For example, the roof section can be controlled with Amazon Alexa or Google Home, such that voice commands can be used to adjust the lighting, the direction of the sunscreen blades and the drop-down awnings. Special weather sensors can be included to automatically close the blades if it starts raining or snowing, or the wind picks up. 
Connect is another example of how Pratic not only has its finger on the pulse of a changing world, but can also respond with truly satisfying solutions. 
This latest product basically wipes out the border between indoors and outdoors, turning the current desire for open-air living and working into a feasible reality. 
Connect merges design and technology to produce a cutting-edge pergola that offers aesthetic appeal, sustainability and bioclimatic comfort that is set to forge a new concept of outdoors. 

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