Coloured finishes - Systems for all supports
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Coloured finishes - Systems for all supports

Coloured finishes - Systems for all supports
By Redazione The Plan -

Colour finishes are the last step in building or restoring a wall, but they are not a separate operation. Finishing involves many factors such as the kind of support and the weather conditions one is working in. One is looking to ensure overall quality and durability of a finish; it is not just an aesthetic factor but a substantial indoor feature in any work of architecture. Mapei offer a wide range of mortars, renders and skims forming one integrated system through from building proper to mortar, skim, ground and primer. The Mapei Finishes product range is mutually compatible and part of a single system. Six product lines are available to suit different wall bases. Quarzolite is acrylic-resin-based in a water and quartz microgranule thinner, and is suitable for painting all surfaces. The base of Elastocolor is acrylic elastomer resin in a water solvent - especially good for protecting reinforced concrete.
Colorite, again water-thinned with an acrylic and vinyl resin base, is used to protect and decorate indoor and outdoor surfaces. Silexcolor has a modified potassium silicate base in a water solvent and is for protecting and decorating renders. Dursilite is a washable system with a modified acrylic resin base and water solvent, suitable for interiors and exteriors. Silancolor with its water thinner and silicon resin base is highly water-repellent and can be used on all wall surfaces.



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