Schüco ADS SimplySmart Design Edition front doors were designed to meet the growing demand for large openings that offer the same level of protection and resistance as the company's other products. Excellent structural stability, burglar protection, beauty and superb performance are the key features of this design product that offers architects and designers so many options for composing a space. The static properties of the aluminum profiles have also been improved to increase flexibility and versatility, while also pushing up the general performance of the building in which the door is located. Schüco ADS SimplySmart Design Edition doors can be 3,000 mm high with a leaf weight of up to 200 kg. Transmittance values have been optimized, potentially reaching Uf = 1.0 W/m2K through the use of glazing rebate insulation and a continuous center gasket that fits all depths and other specific needs without requiring structural work. The thermal performance now also meets the demanding Passive House standards, making these doors usable in even more settings. The elegant, minimalist design, with an integrated door handle, concealed hinges and LED backlighting make this product suitable for any building or setting. Only a minimal amount of work, without changing the look of the door, makes it possible to harmoniously add accessories like the Schüco Door Control System (DCS), which uses a series of cable grooves and fittings integrated into the middle chamber of the profile. The Schüco DCS range includes badge readers, biometric devices to check fingerprints, numeric keypads and a radio intercom that can be combined with the entrance door, depending on the requirements. The new line of doors also has Schüco's SimplySmart technology, which uses a series of standard components, potentially in different depths, to simplify on-site installation while maintaining the guarantees of reliability and precision and ensuring compliance with the characteristics defined during the design stage.
Via del Progresso, 42 - I - 35127 Padova
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