Sordo Madaleno - A Clubhouse conceived as a boat anchored in the lake
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A Clubhouse conceived as a boat anchored in the lake

Sordo Madaleno

Sport&Leisure  /  Completed
Sordo Madaleno

Valle San Nicolás is a new residential development on the outskirts of Valle de Bravo in the State of Mexico, inserted on a 370-hectare privileged site, where its urban and architectural design were projected with the aim of protecting the existing nature. Throughout the complex, well-being spaces are offered for residents, enhancing the connection with and enjoyment of the surroundings. These include the Clubhouse and the 800-meter waterski lake set at the lowest point on the masterplan, taking advantage of the rainwater runoff. The natural conditions of the site were explored to better understand how the two most prominent natural elements—the mountain and the lake—could converge and relate to each other through an architectural piece. Following this guiding approach, the Clubhouse was conceptualized as a boat anchored in the lake, as if it were floating on the water. The project is volumetrically resolved by an 1800-sqm circular floor plan fragmented around its radius to modulate the social and wellbeing area program. Its footprint is a third of its floor, which means that the water can flow freely below so the natural course of the rainwater runoff is not interrupted. Thanks to the roof design, the water falls directly into the lake, then be purified and reused. A concrete foundation works as a dock. On it, a circular concrete slab contains the CLT structure made up of radial distribution of columns in two rings, designed in short spans and joined by an inner and an outer circular beams, serving as open corridors to move around the building. Besides these two beams that end up stabilizing the structure and creating the overhangs of the circulations towards the rings, stone walls are housed in wooden frames, serving to anchor the building in the lake. The two rings, one inner and one outer, also serve as open corridors to move around the building and enjoy near-360-degree-views of the landscape, which makes the selection of materials and textures a very important part of the final complex. However, a lower central passageway also shortens journey distances and leads directly to the main deck, with its bar and TV room, before culminating in the floating pool. Divided by this central passageway, the east side of the Clubhouse contains the dining area, barbecue, kitchen, and related services. The west side, meanwhile, houses the gym, spa cabins with an outdoor jacuzzi, as well as changing rooms with a steam room and sauna. The interiors deploy natural materials that match the structural timber elements. A Kebony deck, volcanic stone, and an American red oak roof are just some of the finishes used to harmoniously reflect the surroundings.


 Valle de Bravo, State of Mexico
 1800 mq
 Javier Sordo Madaleno, Fernando Sordo Madaleno, Boris Pena
 Luis Pucheta, Santiago Letona, Alba Díaz, Andrés Burguete, Ignacio Cabrera, José Mendoza, Luis Torres, Marco Pérez, Federico Serna, Marcos Hernández, José Eduardo Hernández
 Rafael Gamo


Sordo Madaleno is a pioneering studio with over 80 years of experience. For three generations, we have specialized in and been recognized for the creation of one-of-a-kind, game-changing architectural, interior, and urban experiences. We are anchored in the cultural context and inspired to push boundaries.

The studio is acknowledged for its deep commitment to excellence and for its strategic planning, which produces fully integrated architectural solutions. The firm makes a careful evaluation of the urban context, the social impact, and the feasibility, to go beyond the initial requirements and enhancing the distinctive characteristics of each project.

From award-winning architectural solutions to large-scale engineering and urban design projects, our vision recalls in to improve the quality of life of users.

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#Finalist #Mexico  #Leisure  #CLT  #kebony  #Sordo Madaleno 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054