angus fiori architects - A new digital, smart village near Biella
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A new digital, smart village near Biella

angus fiori architects

Mixed Use  /  Future
angus fiori architects

The site is located in the industrial zone of the Filatura di Pollone, in close proximity to the Burcina Park - an area of high environmental value. The project is thought as a connecting element between natural and urbanized areas, providing integration of both types of landscape and improvement of the current condition. The project involves the development of a new 'digital village', which could also be reffered as a 'smart village'. Rather than numerous similar projects of abandoned villages restoration, this project proposes a qualitatively different approach, focused on transformation of a partially abandoned industrial zone into a modern mixed-use area with an emphasis on environmetal sustainability and digital facilities. The growing interest for an ecologically sustainable lifestyle amidst dwellers of a contemporary city together with the common habit of being surrounded by all the latest digital infrastructures creates demand for a new type of residence which balances both aspects and where socialization and sense of community are prioritized - a crucial point in the light of the covid19 pandemic events, that forced into long isolation many people. Additionally, several recent public studies confirm the current trend, assuming that the future development of contemporary living will not be limited to large urban centers, but will rather represent an archipelago of varying in size digitally interconnected centers. The intention is therefore to create a new housing project with multiple innovative features and highly sustainable solutions, where the new intervention does not only positively impact the local condition, but brings favourable outcomes on a wider territorial scale. The main architectonic concept of the project is a hamlet consisting of moderately-sized houses, connected by a central road in pigmented concrete, cyclepaths and sidewalks in beaten earth. The paths are pedestrian and accessible for cars in order to reach the buildings in case of loading and unloading. Car parking is only allowed in the designated areas. The residential buildings are designed for the best integration with the surrounding environment. The facades are finished with plaster of warmer colour shades and inserts in three-dimensional larch panels. Each house is integrated with planted earth tanks. The first level of the buildings is covered with slabs of milled local stone while the roofs are in pre-painted sheet metal. The windows are made in wood-aluminum. From an energetic point of view, there are numerous active and passive systems are involved in order to minimize consumption and maximize the use of renewable energy sources.


 Pollone, Biella
 Salla S.r.l.
 15.800 mq
 Angus Fiori architects
 Angus Fiori, Daniele Magliacano, Tatiana Pletneva, Francesca Maccadanza, Stefano Canziani, Davide Curci


Angus Fiori architects is a highly innovative architectural studio based in Milan. During the past twenty years our studio took part in the development of many different projects of architectural design. We have designed residential and commercial buildings, hotels, wellness centers and shopping malls. We have renovated historical buildings, villas and private houses in Italy, Turkey, China, Russia and the Middle East. Angus Fiori architects has a list of prestigious clients such as corporations, asset managers, real estate operators and construction companies.
During the last ten years we have become highly specialized in sustainable architectural design studying all topics in this field such as the focus of contextualization in the design approach the use of local resources the design of an acoustic and energy efficient building envelope, the use of technologies that refer to bioclimatic architecture and renewable energy, and the use of dry construction systems and prefabrication.

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