UNICA - Flowery tables like in a secret garden
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Flowery tables like in a secret garden


Industrial Design  /  Completed

Precious materials such as glass and steel have been chosen because they blend perfectly in an innovative, all-Italian concept that removes barriers between the rooms, between the rooms and between the buildings themselves, transforming each space into a literally "invaded" place from nature, where inspiration has no limits and the interior takes on the charm of a" flower garden ". The harmony of eight sinuous forms that combine and multiply in a fusion of products that inspires and transfers vital energy to those who live there. The “Fioriture” collection takes shape from the desire to create magical environments in which energy flows as it would in a “secret garden”. It sprouts from a fairy tale, a game; suddenly finding yourself as a child, thinking of a table, itself a flower, or rather a “flowering”, a flowery field in which you immerse yourself, lost at the sight of colors and gleaming of the glass top. Wonderful places that the eye never gets tired of looking at, products able to give life to unique environments in which nature is the undisputed protagonist; spaces that include the suggestions of landscapes, overflowing with life and energy. Places where the spirit can rest, like a warm and welcoming embrace from those same elements from which it originated. And then that gesture, repeated so many times and so familiar that we instinctively do it every time we find ourselves in a flowery meadow: the act of picking a flower, keeping it, or giving it to those who make our hearts vibrate. Likewise, the stem that emerges from the surface leads us back to that gesture, suddenly bringing us back to that garden, giving us once again the possibility of "picking" a flower, a rose, a poppy, or a lotus that will then be placed in its vase to enrich its space. In this manner, the blown glass flowers that rest on and protrude from the surfaces of the tops are ready to be picked and placed in small flower vases, also made with the same materials used for the structures of the tables. Small circular steel studs will then close the holes left open on the top, blending and concealing themselves into the floral decoration applied to the glass. A table with seven leaves and endless floral decorations that expands and multiplies its spatial dimension towards a borderless place is UNICA’s answer to the desire to recreate the suggestion that only a field of flowers under a blue sky can provide the beholder. The "Recipe of the 18 steps", the "WOW effect" and "Trilli" that strongly characterize all of Unica's production also represent in this collection the highest expression of craftsmanship and technological expertise for which Unica is internationally recognized.


 3 mq
 Carola Fumarola + Vanessa Stella + Fabrizio Rocchi
 Carola Fumarola (ARCADE STUDIO) + UNICA
 De Rossi Studio


A creative spin-off of Tecnotelai, UNICA is a brand dedicated to the art of furnishing. UNICA places the artistic processing of glass, precious metals, and semi-precious stones at the center of our designers with an important source of inspiration – nature. Each piece created by UNICA is a piece of art that elevates its environment. Our 100% Made in Italy commitment allows our furnishings to combine artistic craftsmanship with the skills of internationally famous designers. Embracing the uniqueness of nature, UNICA never offers replicas of our products. Exemplifying high craftsmanship and Italian design, UNICA’s one-of-a-kind pieces can be found throughout the world from New York to Paris, Venice to St. Petersburg, and Beijing to Tokyo.


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#Shortlisted #Italy  #Steel  #Glass  #Design  #UNICA  #CASTEL MAGGIORE 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054