MAT - Luca Moretto architettura - A futuristic school on the outskirts of Turin
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A futuristic school on the outskirts of Turin

MAT - Luca Moretto architettura

Education  /  Future
MAT - Luca Moretto architettura

The design for a new secondary school in Grugliasco,on the outskirts of Turin, involves the demolition of the existing one, which is now inadequate and "dangerous" from many points of view. The two wings, with the classrooms, are hinged by a core that has an envelope reminiscent of the nearby Alps that form the background to the plexus, with the function of a “vertical” climbing school. The new complex is part of a totally anthropized context, on the edge of the urban agglomeration of the municipality of Grugliasco. The landscape unit is of a significant altered urban type. The prevailing landscape component is the urban fabric outside the center; no other landscape components of a perceptual-identity and historical-cultural type are detected. The lot borders to the south with a cultivated area of high agronomic interest, characterized by the presence of significant naturalistic-environmental elements of the agricultural landscape. In the project lot there are no other landscape components on which the intervention produces potential repercussions, whether positive or negative. The intervention project proposal provides for a relocation of the main building within the existing lot. The relocation involves a different disposition and orientation of the building from the existing one; the new position and conformation give the new building a more open character towards the nearby agricultural context, enhancing the usability of this landscape component present around the lot. The building replacement intervention makes it possible to use elements with a high potential for recyclability and high durability for all the parts that make up the building. In addition, the construction from scratch of the building allows the execution of technological service systems characterized by greater ease of decommissioning. Overall, the building replacement intervention anticipates the "environmental cost" of demolition in the face of a lower environmental impact in terms of greenhouse gas production during the future phase of decommissioning of the work. ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE The building replacement intervention produces greater attenuation of the negative effects of the current climate and the future climate, especially in the use and management phase of the building; the lower energy consumption of the new building compared to a renovated building, drastically reduces the impact on the environment and climate. The technologies for the recovery and reuse of rainwater and gray water, introduced in the new building, make it possible to significantly reduce the consumption of water resources. SUSTAINABLE USE AND WATER PROTECTION The intervention is located in a totally urbanized area, and does not have a significant impact on the protection of water and marine resources. The building replacement intervention is characterized by the presence of a greater permeable green area compared to the existing situation, which can be quantified in an increase of 2,500 / 3,000 square meters compared to the total area of the lot of about 14,000 square meters; this is made possible by exploiting the repositioning of the main building together with the use of technologies such as "green roofs". In addition, it will be possible to introduce technologies for the recovery and reuse of rainwater and especially gray water, the latter difficult to integrate into the renovation solution of the existing building. CIRCULAR ECONOMY, INCLUDING WASTE PREVENTION AND RECYCLING The building replacement intervention produces a greater amount of waste in the immediate time horizon, but looking at the intervention in a long-term perspective, the building replacement only anticipates the "environmental costs" of the complete demolition of the building at the present time. The possibilities provided today by funding “PNRR”, allow to commit a part of resources in a consistent process of evaluation and reuse of existing materials, mainly inert, about 15% by weight of the total weight of the building coming from the demolition of the structures bearing. The other components such as bricks, ceramics, plastics, etc. will in any case be sent for recycling / reuse and recovery and through the waste management plan they will be enhanced and their quality as recycled materials kept under control. The process of selective demolition and control of waste from production to recycling will also be developed with a view to promoting the waste market and the circular economy in general. The stimulus of the market for C&D products (construction and demolition) and the propulsion of the circular economy are clearly greater in the building replacement solution, since in the design of the new building, for each specific type of materials, the minimum content is required of recycled material that they must possess and the recyclability potential was evaluated by comparing multiple solutions of materials / components. PREVENTION AND REDUCTION OF POLLUTION The objective of avoiding a significant increase in emissions of pollutants, for the intervention of building replacement, is expressed through the same principles and peculiarities that allow the proposed intervention to comply with the climate change mitigation objective. PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEMS The intervention is located in a totally urbanized area, and does not have a significant impact on biodiversity, habitats and local species; there is also a significant increase in green areas, in the endowment of trees.


 Grugliasco (Torino)
 Comune di Grugliasco
 5500 mq
 Luca Moretto
 MAT & Partners - Mediapolis Engineering
 A. Clos, J. Chavez, L. Muggiri, M. Prina, S. Sacco, F. Torsello, S. Vedelago


The last monograph “Architecture for life” of 2019, was published by Electa. With the headquarters of Collegio Einaudi in Turin, he is a finalist for the international architecture Prize of The Plan Award 2015, Best Italian Interior Design 2018 and winner of Honorable Mention for the La Ceramica e il Progetto 2018. Finalist The Plan Award 2016 with TM Center; shortlisted The Plan Award 2017 and special mention German Design Award 2019 with the alpine school of Aosta. Shortlisted The Plan Award 2019 and nominee at the German Design Award 2020 for civic center in Castelli Calepio. Shortlisted The Plan Award 2018 for the Villa Bernasconi Museum in Cernobbio, Best Italian Exhibition Design 2019, and winner of the German Design Award 2020. Finalist The Plan Award 2021 with the Sondrio CCIAA. Winner of Iconic Awards 2021 - Innovative Architecture categories "Public / Culture / Education" and "Innovative Material" for the Royal Museums of Turin, and special mention German Design Award 2022.

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