A safe point of sociality at the service of the community, the multifunctional structures for Emergency
SAAD-School of Architecture and Design "Eduardo Vittoria", University of Camerino
Special Projects
Following the earthquake of 24 August 2016 and subsequent repetitions that affected various municipalities in the regions of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria, resulting in a serious situation of danger as well as damage to structures and infrastructures falling within the territory, the School of Architecture and Design " Eduardo Vittoria ", of the University of Camerino, the Joint Commission for Construction Funds, have signed an agreement for research, development and technology transfer for the scientific study of a standard structure used as a" Multifunctional Center ", to be replicated in 5 municipalities of the earthquake crater area.
The aim of the intervention was to create a network of multifunctional accommodation facilities that can not only activate in the event of an emergency for the reception of the population affected by the earthquake, offering them shelter and first aid but at the same time being a place of aggregation and of social inclusion.
The pavilions have been designed with a view to flexibility and adaptability to different uses. From reception and shelter structures they can therefore be transformed into multifunctional places for the playful-recreational activities of the community (Cineforum, conference rooms, exhibition spaces, spaces for events, co-working, educational workshops, etc.)
Particular importance was given to the planimetric distribution which provides access to the technical volumes (toilets and outpatient clinics for first aid), accessible from the outside and a large open space in the central part to be organized if necessary.
Although the building is on one level, it is highly recognizable thanks to its articulated volume, consisting of inclined triangular panels both on the walls and on the roof. This morphological connotation gives the structure a great urban recognition.
The permeability of the building is given by the multiple accesses that are grafted onto the short sides and by the large windows that connect the inside with the outside, ensuring safety for escape routes in case of need.
At the head are the clinics on one side and the toilets on the other.
This planimetric feature allows the user to be able to use the services of primary necessity without necessarily having to enter the structure.
Inside, a multifunctional space of about 300 square meters is able to accommodate up to 80 beds in the event of maximum emergency (with the possibility of partitioning the spaces dedicated to family or individual), and to provide areas for socialization and aggregation able to actively engage users according to their experiences and attitudes.
Unlike the current emergency centers set up by civil protection (normally in buildings used as spaces for sports, or similar), which can house populations affected by disasters sometimes even for weeks, but can be associated with makeshift accommodations where it is difficult create privacy and aggregation for families that in the post-seismic moment find themselves in difficult psycho-physical conditions, the project, in addition to offering a reception place ready for use and prepared for it, aims to guarantee comfort and strengthen the common sense of belonging for an improvement in the quality of life.
For this reason, the large open-space located in a central position takes on different characteristics from time to time according to the needs of the community.
In situations of intense emergency, up to 80 beds can be set up.
Privacy can also be guaranteed by the use of curtains, mounted on light systems composed of wooden elements, positioned between the different beds according to a modular grid, which will give the user the possibility of carving out his own protected space inside the environment.
In the event of an emergency, the entire area of 300 square meters can be set up for conferences, fairs, cineforums, concerts, etc.
The technical volumes of the outpatient clinics (consisting of a medical office and an examination room) and toilets are located on the short sides and in addition to separating the various entrances to the building (acting as a filter), contain equipped walls that can be used both in emergencies. than in non-emergency.
The structure is highly recognizable and represents an urban signal for all citizens.
In fact, it consists of a multiplicity of inclined wooden sandwich panels both on the walls and on the roof that give rhythm to the external skin.
The particular geometry derives from a study of the positioning of the panels at different heights. These elevations correspond to the main seismic events recorded in the 2016 earthquake. The building, in its side view, wants to remember the trend of a seismic wave, assuming a strong symbolic value, but at the same time it is linked to the skyline of the profiles mountainous surrounding the areas of intervention.
The highest vertex of the panels is located at 6.5 m in memory of the highest shock which reached 6.5 degrees on the Richter scale.
Wooden panels alternate with transparent glass panels for optimal natural lighting and to give the user a constant relationship with the outside.
Immediately recognizable by shape, colors, dimensions and materials are also the technical volumes of the clinics and toilets that are inserted in the headroom under the structure.
They appear as monolithic volumes of about 25 cubic meters of red color easily identifiable by the community; in their interior and roof, they contain all the technical parts necessary for thermal, water, ventilation and electrical systems.
The entire project is aimed at the living comfort of users, emotional communication, recognition as a point of sociality at the service of the community put to the test by the earthquake, environmental integration.
Muccia, Acquasanta Terme, Preci, Teramo, Cittareale
C.N.C.E. 2016 SISMA SOLIDARITY FUND. Casse Nazionali Costruttori Edili
2250 mq
Andrea Lupacchini, Giuseppe Losco
Andrea Lupacchini, Benedetta MAGRINI, Jacopo LAUDISA, Michele DI CARLO, Raffaele PIERUCCI, Marco BUTTERI
Prog. Structures: prof. ing. E. SIVIERO, ing. L. REBONATO, ing. F. ZAGO Prog. Installations: ing. G. SAVINI, p.ind. M. PERUGINI, arch. N. MONTEFERRANTE, 3D Printing Prototypes: dott. D. PACIOTTI
The project was developed by SAAD, School of Architecture and Design, University of Camerino, Ascoli Piceno site, thanks to a team of structured, contracted teachers and highly specialized external consultants, selected by the University in consideration of their respective technical skills. necessary scientific studies and related research fields.
SAAD Director and CNCE Project Coordinator: prof. arch. Giuseppe LOSCO. Scientific Responsible of the CNCE Project: prof. arch. Andrea LUPACCHINI
The training, research and technology transfer activity is aimed at developing actions, programs and projects that contribute to the direct or indirect transformations of the natural and artificial environment, through research activities of excellence, applied and on behalf of third parties, regulated by conventions or protocols of agreement, on various areas.