At Venarotta, a single building including nursery, elementary and middle school
Sardellini Marasca Architetti
The intervention was necessary following the earthquake that hit Central Italy in 2016. The project includes the demolition of some buildings within a larger complex. The positioning of the various functions is the central theme from an architectural point of view, since the lot has an important difference in height between the upper and lower part and relationships and connections with other buildings in the complex must be established. The new building resolves the height differences by placing a new entrance on the north and organizing the difference in height with a continuous system of pitched roofs. Externally, the building is entirely covered in gres both on the walls and on the roof ensuring a total continuity of the same material. The planimetric scheme is in the form of a courtyard and is designed to have an optimal orientation of the facades in every season with respect to solar radiation and natural lighting.
The community of the small village of Venarotta will see its inhabitants grow in a single building including nursery, elementary and middle school.
The nursery school, on the ground floor, is in direct contact with the surrounding garden, the elementary school is located on the first floor, but directly accessible from the new upstream entrance, while the middle school is located on the top floor which, in turn, is a second floor seen from the north.
The common spaces enrich the habitability of the place also in educational function. They are open, sensitive, permeable places, which focus on the students and on the quality of spaces, as a key element of learning. The context that welcomes them is articulated in spaces able to build opportunities, suggest actions to carry out the different school and extracurricular activities in the best way. The gaze wanders between chromatic fields for normal activities in the nursery school and for "special" activities in the elementary and middle schools.
The classrooms are flexible and can be remodeled according to needs, made with contemporary and natural materials. Nature enters the architectural composition from all sides. A building capable of improving both the surrounding urban fabric and the lives of those who live it every day.
The structure is in steel and the opaque infills consist of highly insulated "dry" external walls. The glazed curtain walls alternate with balance to the solid walls and are characterized by internal sunscreens colored in warm tones from yellow to dark red.
The different schools have separate entrances, but with common spaces accessible by all, continuously perceiving the sense of belonging to one big community. The elementary and middle
The elementary and middle schools, from the atrium, face the internal dynamic square, the heart of the system below, linked to the ground floor through the large staircase/library that can be used by both the elementary and the nursery school, becoming a sort of passing auditorium.
The connective spaces have been conceived as relational spaces, where teachers can carry out remedial or in-depth activities as an alternative to the teachers' room. Parents and outsiders, on scheduled occasions, use them as places to sit or talk. They are places for in-depth study, informal work, relaxation, and play, but they are also a natural extension of the classrooms and ateliers. In this context there are no corridors, but common places available, crossings that expand and contract towards adjacent spaces, generating places suitable for new teaching methods.
Comune di Venarotta
2015 mq
Sardellini Marasca Architetti
Anita Sardellini, Giorgio Marasca, Andrea Marasca
Sardellini Marasca Architetti
Sardellini Marasca Architetti is an architectural firm based in Ancona, led by Anita Sardellini (founder), Andrea Marasca and Giorgio Marasca. Professionalism, experience, a deep bond with the territory and various awards acquired over the years: founded in 1970, the firm is a point of reference in the architecture and interior design sector. Always engaged in the pursuit of quality in architecture, the firm develops the design by engaging in giving shape and space to the client's expectations, ensuring the management and control of the overall cost of the work for both private and public works. Ours is an easily understandable architecture that, through careful synergy with the context, enhances and transforms it by creating new identities between built and nature. Simple, rigorous, silent buildings with pure shapes make the firm a point of reference for contemporary architecture in central Italy.