AMAART - Valle Aurelia project Restyling Rome complete the railway line
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Valle Aurelia project Restyling Rome complete the railway line


Transport  /  Completed
The Restyling project of the Valle Aurelia Station is part of the overall redevelopment project of the Rome FL3 railway line, which aims to complete an important section of the railway line.
The beginning of the project and its guidelines arise from a broader and more complex approach linked to the projects for the reorganization and regeneration of the railway stations of the Italian State Railways Group.
The key points of the redevelopment are the improvement of the usability and accessibility in the stations and the need to "give a clear and immediate dress" of recognition to the railway infrastructures.
In this project, recognizability is interpreted as a sense of belonging of the function to the place. For this reason, it was necessary to study the relationship between the station building and the surrounding city. The existing building body now seemed removed from the urban context, which needed an opportunity to develop and transform itself into something else.
The approach to the project required a cognitive, narrative walk, aimed at identifying the differences of the various urban points of view and analyzing the building in the context. The existing fabric was strongly connoted through its vertical development: the various functional levels were connected to each other by the presence of the void that seemed to push the internal forces of the building to the outside.
The visitor walked through the station looking for a connection with the external city, through the degraded views, on each level he traveled, from street level to the top of the platform level.
The idea of a double aluminum material (facelifting) was developed from the need to give a new architectural and formal aspect to the existing building in order not to raise elevation costs.
The use of a skin to express the industrial language is identified and expressed through the aluminum expanded mesh panels. This matter wanted to make the intervention not courtly, but full of the deep meanings related to the search for a new architectural language.
The leather or second facade allows to keep the project closely linked to the theme of the restyling, therefore not going to alter or subtract elements from the existing factory.
The weight of the facade is pushed upwards and in direct relationship with the user and the experience of the material, which surrounds the existing factory in every part as a formal sculptural element.
Key points of the project.
The desire to reinterpret this architectural body in a critical and personal key to give it a social value.
The use of the second skin as an architectural transfiguration through the chosen material (aluminum expanded mesh panels): its lightness and its void-full relationship allow you to see through the material and connect in and out of the building.
Lightness as the central theme: like a light dress the second skin covers the building and creates movements and folds.
The cleanliness of the internal walls: the “kerlite” (stoneware) of the internal walls conveys a sense of cleanliness in an environment frequented by many people and makes the reading of the space clear and defined.
Artificial light as a sign of passage: as a guide to the user to go through the rooms, the linear light draws paths and defines the kerlite walls as if they were suspended in space.
The entrances announced by the change in the weight and color of the material (stac-bond, pressed aluminum panels): the material becomes opaque and changes both its color and its surface finish; it folds like an urban sculpture.
The internal and external space merge becoming a unique public space where the forces of flows and lights have an open dialogue.
Verticality understood as an architectural path: the user travels the various levels accompanied by matter and artificial and natural light.
The new functional interior spaces are designed as places of rest and thought: the station is not only the place where the user waits for the train but has also become the place where man can find a moment for his thought; all this thanks to the architectural composition.


 Maceg. S.r.l.
 5500 mq
 Alessia Maggio Arch. – AMAART Architects
 Alessio Ricci, Dario Taffi, Luca Bertolini, Silvia Marmiroli
 Maceg. S.r.l.
 Ecosteel S.r.l., Fida S.r.l.
 Alpewa S.r.l.
 Moreno Maggi Ph.


Alessia Maggio architetto e fondatore dello studio AMAART architects, la quale attività si divide fra Roma e Desenzano del Garda.
Nel 2015 vince il Primo Premio per il Concorso Internazionale di Idee, Parco del Colle Bellaria una nuova Antenna Landmark per Salerno.
Progetta e realizza la sua prima Opera Architettonica, nell’ambito dei programmi d’intervento di restyling della Linea Ferroviaria Italiana (FS) come il Restyling della Stazione di Vigna Clara sita in Roma, anno 2015-2016.
L’opera vince molti premi tra cui il Global Architecture and Design Award 2018, Re-thinking The Future e l’Iconic Architecture Award 2018.
Realizza dal 2016 al 2019 i progetti di Restyling delle Stazioni di Gemelli, Cesano, La Storta, Valle Aurelia a Roma e di Marina di Cerveteri sul litorale romano.
Ad oggi l’architetto viene invitato alla partecipazione del prestigioso premio di architettura RIBA International Prize 2020.

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