Giorgio Gullotta Architekten - Elbgold - Concept Store, the new idea of coffee-lab
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  4. Elbgold - Concept Store, the new idea of coffee-lab

Elbgold - Concept Store, the new idea of coffee-lab

Giorgio Gullotta Architekten

Interior  /  Completed
Giorgio Gullotta Architekten
The first location of the coffee roasters „elbgold“ opened its doors 14 years ago. In the meantime other successful cafes have been added and are located in the „Schanze“, Eppendorf, Winterhude and the city center. The new Concept Store is located close to the city hall of Hamburg and opened its doors in December 2017. The new „coffee-lab“ presents very special type of coffee preparation. It is not only „classic“ scalded with hand filters but also with the so-called syphon. There is also Cold Drip and freshly tapped Nitro Brew. In the so-called cuppings, several types of coffee are tasted side by side. Those cuppings display how versatile coffee can be. The store with the size of roughly 80 sq. impresses with its unique charm and its distinctive atmosphere. The 6,5 m long counter is the centerpiece of the store. The surface is made of bluestone combined with brass creating a noble look. The reduced and restrained coloring, the cold-drip brew rack and nitro tubes provide the character of a laboratory. Pendant lights as well as visible ventilation pipes maintain an industrial design character. Compared to the other stores by the coffee roasters elbgold, the new concept store has a completely different concept. A warm atmosphere, light coloring and a lot of wooden surfaces characterize the interior design of the already existing cafes. The concept store on the other hand is called „coffee-laboratory“. This new concept should therefore also be reflected in the interior design. Thinking oft the term „laboratory“, it is mainly associated with a sterile and uncomfortable, even repellent atmosphere. The challenge for the new interior design was to develop a design that captures the theme of a laboratory but at the same time radiates a welcoming, distinctive atmosphere. Hard materials such as natural stone, metal and black wood in combination with a reduced color scheme were chosen deliberately and maintain the desired character. Pendant lights in an industrial style, visible ventilation pipes and cable trays under the ceiling, as well as the necessary appliances for the coffee preparation are reminiscent of a laboratory. High quality and plain materials create a noble but cool look. Wall colors with a warm undertone and the lighting design complete the design concept. In response to the small area, the space was reduced to the essentials. The focus lies on the counter, which is placed in the middle of the room as a centerpiece. Seating is only available at the high tables in the windows. Generous seating was deliberately omitted. The carefully chosen materials, such as natural stone and wood are natural, plain and high quality materials, that contribute to the outstanding interior design of the project. The special attention to the details in planning as well as implementation creates the excellent quality of the design. Due to the reduced and restrained design, the room radiates a certain calm that is transferred to the visitor.


 elbgold Röstkaffee GmbH
 80 mq
 Giorgio Gullotta Architekten
 Giorgio Gullotta Architekten
 Likoo - Möbel in Form / Otto Gerber / Olaf Dircks / Lichtspiel / Traco
 Jochen Stüber


Giorgio Gullotta Architects is a renowned architecture office in the heart of Hamburg. The office was founded in 2006 by the owner Giorgio Gullotta. A team of several architects and interior architects develop ambitious projects, particularly in the areas of residential and commercial properties. Before Giorgio Gullotta founded his own office, he worked in the office of Gerkan Marg und Partner from 1994 to 2000. From 2000 to 2006 he was part of a office partnership. Giorgio Gullotta's works are based on a broad background of experience. National and international projects of any size - from private houses and villas, office building, on renovations of historic buildings to hotel projects - are realized with high design quality and technical competence. Architecture, urban planning and sophisticated interior design including furniture and lighting design form the big picture, meaning for Giorgio Gullotta Architects to evolve a project from start to finish.

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