Alterstudio Architecture - Tarrytown Residence, modernity into an otherwise traditional neighborhood
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  4. Tarrytown Residence, modernity into an otherwise traditional neighborhood

Tarrytown Residence, modernity into an otherwise traditional neighborhood

Alterstudio Architecture

House  /  Completed
Alterstudio Architecture
The Tarrytown Residence injects a tone of modernity into an otherwise traditional, post-war neighborhood, and defines a private landscape as the center of this family home. Caught between a walled garden along the street and a central courtyard behind, the interior opens resolutely to the out-of-doors under a ubiquitous ceiling plane, and is minimally contained by custom site-glazed window walls. A pair of abstract volumes, clad in long-format, black brick and black-stained cedar completes the ensemble, shielding the interior from view and providing a buffer to the possibility of neighboring future development.

The visitor enters under a meandering limb from an adjacent Live Oak tree into a carefully choreographed sequence of spaces. Here, great effort is made to simultaneously define discrete rooms while at the same time encourage a strong sense of continuity throughout – where hints of what is to come are everywhere and surprising delights at the turn of a corner. In the middle of the house, an unexpected monitor opens the center of the home to the sky, balancing the light in the interior and framing views into the tree canopy above. To the east, a two-story library and similarly-scaled screen porch add a sense of verticality to this otherwise horizontally organized home, where a glass-floored bridge from an office loft allows access to the upper bookshelves and transforms into a Juliet balcony to the screen porch.

The Tarrytown Residence resolves the desire to live in the landscape with the necessity for privacy through a series of carefully calibrated elements. Carefully considered everywhere, construction and detail play an integral role in the character of the house. Articulated detail is suppressed such that the house might serve as a primed canvas for the presentation of light and shadow, the serendipity of natural materials and the out-of-doors. A custom, site-glazed window system was designed to minimize the presence of a window frame, while special steel detailing – custom structural steel columns, steel fascia and trim, a glass floor and steel bridge, and a double-height, steel screen porch —combine with an unusual black brick and purpose built wood cabinetry and furniture to create a purposeful environment. The unexpected privacy in a fairly dense suburban condition, as well as an interior rich with unexpected moments of color and texture (e.g. behind a door or as the back of a bookcase) create a private enclave of surprising delights.


 United States
 694 mq
 Kevin Alter, Ernesto Cragnolino, Tim Whitehill
 Joseph Boyle, Shelley McDavid
 Positive Energy, MJ Structures
 Casey Dunn


Alterstudio Architecture of Austin, Texas focuses its attention on the relationship between the material facts of architecture and the social occasions it shelters and invites. The work is rooted in deep-seated virtues of architecture — generous space making, shrewd manipulation of day lighting, and meticulous attention to detail. The heightening of direct human experience and the framing of the complex circumstances of their situations are at the core of each project. Their commitment to enhance and protect both the cultural and natural environments of the communities they serve is evident in the technical craftsmanship of our designs and in the long-term sustainability of their projects.

Widely recognized for their compelling designs and meticulous attention to detail, Alterstudio Architecture has won more than 100 design awards and has been regularly published internationally. The office relies on the talent of its three partners and eight staff members.

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#Finalist #United States of America  #Steel  #Brick  #Wood  #Glass  #Residence  #Austin  #Alterstudio Architecture  #Wood and metal structure 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054