MIA Design Studio - Harmonizing with nature: Sky House
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Harmonizing with nature: Sky House

MIA Design Studio

House  /  Completed
MIA Design Studio
Saigon is a metropolitan city of Vietnam with the highest density of construction, vehicles and population of the country. With that, followed the booming of urban infrastructure and traffic congestion causing a reduction of green spaces, where people can seek tranquility and sit in harmony with nature to release stress.

Being a part of this urban context, the Sky House location is charactherised numerous skyscrapers that surround the site, built close together, creating an uncorfortable scale relation between people and buildings and presenting difficulties when trying to design an "open" and "airy" project.

In combination with our desire is the personality of the owner who loves and enjoys inner-peace and calmness. Therefore, the design team was determined to have a clear idea for the architectural plan, which could promote a deep horizontal and vertical connection between human to human and human to nature in this house.

The solution is to create connections between the spaces so that natural elements can be present and carried through every corner of the house. Without any external influence or intention to maximize areas for unnecessary rooms, the design process started by dividing the house in two parts. The first half is devoted to the sun, wind, water and trees with its empty spaces, while the other half is dedicated for family activities with necessary utilities.

Architecture is a living body. As an alternative to the common approach of opening the four sides of the house, we create a vertical connection between the house and the sky. This approach has allowed the house to receive natural sun light from above and see the changes in weather and daylight hours.

Moreover, the project is not dependable from the surrounding context but has created its immanent landscape. The connection between people and nature has been expressed in many ways while increasing connections between usable spaces through layers. These layers become the main subject of the house, where parents and children can see each other from every room.

This is how architecture can heal people’s soul by harmonizing with nature. "If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere", said Vincent van Gogh.

City: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Client: Nguyen Hoang Manh
Completion Date: 2019
Gross Floor Area (smq): 433
Principle Architect: Nguyen Hoang Manh
Architecture Concept Design: Truong Nguyen Quoc Trung, Nguyen Tan Phat
Interior Design: Le Vu Hai Trieu
Technical Design: Bui Hoang Bao, Nguyen Quang Duy


 Ho Chi Minh
 Nguyen Hoang Manh
 433 mq
 Nguyen Hoang Manh
 Bui Hoang Bao, Truong Nguyen Quoc Trung, Nguyen Tan Phat, Le Vu Hai Trieu, Nguyen Quang Duy
 AVDH, Boydens Engineering Vietnam
 Oki Hiroyuki, Trieu Chien, Hoang Le


MIA Design Studio is an innovative Master planning, Architecture - and Interior design studio in Asia. The company was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2003.

The team of architects and designers with great admirers of the modernist movement seeks to fulfill the difficult task of rethinking and giving continuity to this iconic generation. The projects of MIA Design Studio are valued for their formal simplicity, integration of interior and exterior into fluid spaces with special attention to landscape and climate conditions of each project.

We seek to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy and development space. Sustainable design uses a conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in the design of the building environment. The idea of sustainability, or ecological design, is to ensure that our actions and decisions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generations.


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